Bike riding software

Tars Tarkas

Well-Known Member
I'd like to find some bike riding software something like Strava but that doesn't require connecting to the cloud and sharing information with Big Brother and everyone else. Also, I really don't care where anyone else has ridden before or how many calories they burned. Not sure whether I just don't care for all that more or that I don't like the idea of using my data plan to provide all that info to everyone.

I would like to be able to plan a route, see how far and fast I go, see my elevation gain and loss, and maybe save my route information to a file I could look back on or share with anyone I'd like to share it with.

I used Strava for a few minutes, pretty literally, a couple of years ago, until I realized what it was doing, but I don't remember many details. Maybe it's like what I want, maybe not.

I'd like this to run on an Android phone and not be required to buy another multi-hundred dollar device.

Any recommendations?

I feel your pain. I live in an urban area, and while I wouldn't mind connecting with other riders on occasion, but I don't want bike thieves or anyone else to know where I live and ride, or for some random to 'friend' me or whatever.

I turned off all sharing on Strava, which I recently downloaded-- it doesn't solve the cloud problem, and it doesn't stop Strava from mindlessly telling me the weird names other riders have given to terrain features near my home, but I think it protects my identity and location well enough. Maybe Strava has added a few privacy features since you last checked, but I'm okay with it-- for the moment-- as long as there's no 'sharing.' I take screenshots of my rides, so if Strava gets too invasive, I'll just bail and never look back.

I hate the kloud, though I don't mind that my ride data is stored there (because it's relatively trivial), just so long as someone can't find where I'm going or where I live without going to the hell of a lot of trouble. I know IT professionals swear by the kloud, but I keep asking them, "How could this possibly be more secure? In fact, how could this be anything except a very convoluted scheme for eventually holding my data hostage?" Seems like a protection racket to me-- you eventually have to pay more storage, or more access, or to do something you used to be able to do for free when you stored information on your own device.

Sorry to rant! Guess we share some version of the same pet peeve.
Ride with GPS. You can set everything to private, but I think it does still connect to the cloud. Very functional but you'd have to decide if the privacy works for you. It has an offline mode in the settings but I don't know if that just delays logging info to the cloud until the next restart or if it truly keeps it offline.