Bike rack recommendations for 2 x Evo TR1?

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone has recommendations they know will fit well with these bikes? I already bought this and had to return it - not compatible with frame geometry without rubbing.

Now looking at this Hollywood rack -

Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

Let me enlighten you on the hollywood rack I own. It cost me a e bike just this morn. I always thought it was secure with the goose neck down an locked on the top tube. Wrong... Thief just loosened wheel loop adj. knob and dropped the bike out. Thought I would pass this own. Cable bike and don`t trust the hollywood system as secure. The dang knobs should be thrown away and replaced with bolts. Most thieves don`carry wrenches. Live and learn to the tune of a couple thous. bucks. Sorry if off subject but thought I would warn you. Love the rack but the security is not there.