"Bicycles have their proper place, and that place is under small boys delivering evening papers."

Your title brought back memories of me delivering newspapers, in the mid 60s, on my 3 speed bicycle. 110 newspaper, in four newspaper bags, draped over my poor bike.
P.J. O'Rourke is always good for a laugh.

I was a pretty scrawny kid back then and I wasn't strong enough to handle the bike loaded with papers with just one hand and be throwing with the other so it was collecting soda bottles for refunds!
Fun article, thanks for posting!

A buddy and I would walk to a corner store about 6 blocks from home (raised in ST Louis) . We woul pick up enough soda bottles on the way (2 cents per bottle) to get candy. We were Kings!
Fun article, thanks for posting!

A buddy and I would walk to a corner store about 6 blocks from home (raised in ST Louis) . We would pick up enough soda bottles on the way (2 cents per bottle) to get candy. We were Kings!
I spent my summers working on a farm. My buddy, Joe, and I would hike two miles to the state route and start collecting bottles on our way to the general store/gas station* in Jelloway, Ohio. We paid 52 cents for a box of .22's. A couple of the neighboring farmers paid us to keeps the woodchuck and crow populations down.
* The gas pump was a thing of beauty! Man powered mechanical! Pay for your gas inside, lady clerk would come out and crank the handle filling up a glass reservoir. When the gas reached the level of the purchase, she would dispense it through a hose/nozzle. No "filler-ups".