Bezior X500 Pro Default Settings,Parameters


New Member
hello, does anyone have the factory settings from the Bezior X500 Pro on the S700 display? Or a way to reset it to factory settings. On the website there is a manual for the S700 and the bike, but it seems to be the wrong one and not really helpful. According to the operating instructions, I have to press the UP button for 5 seconds on P18 to reset the settings, but my display only show till P16.

i have already contacted bezior customer service but i only got a youtube link to a video for speed adjustment. speak at P08. but I just want the complete settings back to factory settings or information on where I can find it. I've been searching the internet for the last few days but haven't found anything suitable. my hope is now to find someone here who has the same bike and writes down the settings.
I think these are initial settings

P numberinitial setting
20distance km/miles
415timeout delay
5210 gears
626wheel diameter
71magnets in sensor
85029max speed (km/h)
90zero support speed
102driving support mode - 0 no throttle, 1 throttle, 2 both
125starting power
1312number of magnets
1413current limit
1539under voltage protection
16reset odo (up for 5 seconds on this)
18reset all parameters