I just bought an electric bike a week ago, a cheap one from the Vivi brand from Amazon because I only need it until work and back. The controller on the buttons is not digital and has 5 lines when the battery is fully charged. Yesterday while I was coming from work the battery suddenly dropped from 5 lines to 1 line,the controller did not turn off, nor the battery but with throttle at max the battery it was delivering power in short brakes..like short power brakes, on the pedal assist does the same thing,again the controller it doesn't stop it just shows me a line or two sometimes as if the battery isn't charged, the indicator on the battery when I press to see how much power the battery has, it lights up once quickly and then shuts down.I'm a newbie with this things so I just wanna know if it's the battery problem or the controller or idk..thanks for you patience. I will post some photos with bike and controller