Battery keys?


Well-Known Member
We have a 2020 RadRunner 2 Plus. On Rads website is a link to "submit a request" for keys. However the link goes to a link that simply times out. Not good. Anyone know where to get replacement battery keys?

So actually, I came across this thread and seems to not be much of a hassle. I'll order one and try it out.
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I had a 2020 Radrunner. I thought the Radrunner 2 came out in 2022.

Without a key, won't you have to rewire the battery to get power? As of 2020, any Radpower key would work on any Radpower battery. What's more, the ILCO HD74 blank for a Honda motorcycle used to work on any external Radpower battery, including the Mini ST2.

Radpower warned not to drop a battery, but the way it was mounted on the Radrunner made it tough to hold onto. I once dropped the battery 9 inches onto concrete. I lucked out that time. The other day when I brought my Abound battery indoors to charge at room temperature, I could tell by the cold feel of the case that the metal was unexpectedly thick. I guess it was made that way to get UL approval.