battery issue and Abus locks


Active Member
Hey guys picked up my new Stromer ST2 yesterday. Had to drive about 2 1/2 hours to save me a few bucks but it was worth the drive. At first I liked the white color version but I opted for the black color version instead. More "manly" looking, lol. Anyway, I got home, placed it on the charger. About 30 mins or so later the battery charger indicated that the battery was fully charged. Disconnected the charger, put the bike to sleep. Got up this morning all excited to use the bike, but for some strange reason the battery was completely drained. I contacted the dealer that I purchased the bike from and they asked me to remove the battery and re install, so I did but the battery was still dead. So I recharged the battery recently. Hopefully this doesn't happen again. But I'm concern about this since this is bike is brand new, anyone experience this issue before? Lastly, looking at the Abus locks, some of the locks come in different size so what size would be ideal for this type of bike?
My St2 never discharged like that. I would try charging with battery removed. You could have some issue with either charger or battery. I would only charge outdoors , and disconnect charger when green light starts flashing on charger. As far as which Abus lock, I like the extra long one with a key . Makes it easier to reach things to wrap Abus . Congrats on your new St2.
There are bugs in the ST2 charging system. The solution that seems to work is:
Turn off the Bike
Wait 10 or more seconds
Plug in the charger cable.

With the battery off the bike it seems to charge fine. Still puzzled over whether lock mode fulfills the same function as turning the bike off.
My St2 never discharged like that. I would try charging with battery removed. You could have some issue with either charger or battery. I would only charge outdoors , and disconnect charger when green light starts flashing on charger. As far as which Abus lock, I like the extra long one with a key . Makes it easier to reach things to wrap Abus . Congrats on your new St2.

Since the Abus locks are measured in centimeters and not inches its hard to make a decision on which lock would be ideal, I do believe that the Abus is geared more for other bikes and not ebikes. I'm just trying minimize a thief from taking away my bike, even though no lock is fool proof. Trying to pick a good security lock is a project, lots of research and options exist but which one is truly ideal who knows? I've seen videos of the Abus locks being easily cut off, U locks have their fair share of advantage and disavantages, seems that carrying a chain with a lock is by far the most secure way but who wants to carry a heavy ass chain with them as they travel? Oh decisions, decisions~ Thanks for the assistance~
There are bugs in the ST2 charging system. The solution that seems to work is:
Turn off the Bike
Wait 10 or more seconds
Plug in the charger cable.

With the battery off the bike it seems to charge fine. Still puzzled over whether lock mode fulfills the same function as turning the bike off.

I am puzzled as well, love the ST2 don't get me wrong but anything thats being controlled by technology can fail. My ST2 seems to be holding up its charge well now. I unplugged the battery, re inserted it, placed it on the charge, charged the battery. Woke up this morning with the bike fully charged at 100% so thats a good thing... Thanks for your recommendations~
@chgofirefighter the only ones who want to carry a heavy chain are the ones who don't want their bike stolen. if you're in a medium or big city, cable locks are useless. a good u-lock or heavy chain lock is your best insurance policy. yes, they're heavy, cumbersome, etc., but your bike will still be there when you get back. besides, your motor negates the extra pounds of the heavy lock.
@chgofirefighter the only ones who want to carry a heavy chain are the ones who don't want their bike stolen. if you're in a medium or big city, cable locks are useless. a good u-lock or heavy chain lock is your best insurance policy. yes, they're heavy, cumbersome, etc., but your bike will still be there when you get back. besides, your motor negates the extra pounds of the heavy lock.

Understood and you are correct, however, due to the frame size on the ST2 one has to select a U-Lock that will fit accordingly or a chain option that will not be too much of a burden. Living in Chicago, which is a major city, one has to be extra careful. I have emailed Ubus and Kryptonite to see what directions they can provide me with~
Understood and you are correct, however, due to the frame size on the ST2 one has to select a U-Lock that will fit accordingly or a chain option that will not be too much of a burden. Living in Chicago, which is a major city, one has to be extra careful. I have emailed Ubus and Kryptonite to see what directions they can provide me with~
Most ST2 riders I've seen buy the ABUS Bordo lock. It's nearly as safe as a U-lock but can fit around larger poles.
An Abus Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500 is the top of the line of Abus folding locks. It can secure the frame and rear wheel of an ST2 to a bike rack, but not both wheels unless you buy a second one. They are sold in black, red and white versions. To mount the Abus lock holster to the water bottle bosses, I used two metric stainless steel button head cap screws, size M5-0.80 x 20. I also added nylon washers as spacers between the down tube and the Abus lock holster because the holster has curved ridges designed to mount to a round frame, and as you know the Stromer down tube is relatively flat. The right metric threading for the water bottle mount screws is critical or you risk stripping the threads, so be careful to buy the right ones. Also, since the screws are going into the frame close to the battery compartment, they can't be too long. The M5-0.80 x 20 size takes into account the nylon washers I used. The original button head cap screws on your Stromer are fine for water bottle cages, but way too short for mounting the 6500 holster. I was assured by Stromer that the weight of the lock wouldn't be a problem, with further assurances coming via internet photos of ST2s from European owners. They appear to be a favorite lock for Stromers on the continent. Attached is a photo of my white ST2 with a white Granit X-Plus 6500.

No lock is theft proof. Battery powered angle grinders have seen to that. So you never want to park your expensive bike outside overnight (Abus or no Abus), and otherwise you need to use your discretion where you park your bike during the day and for how long. Of course, using the lock mode on the ST2 is also a good idea, but it doesn't offer complete backup protection if someone cuts through your lock. By the way, to prevent myself from inadvertently tripping the theft mode, when I park my ST2 I wrap a yellow spiral plastic wristband (the kind designed for key rings) around the left brake lever and the bar grip to remind me not to move the bike while it is in lock mode. It has prevented me from making this mistake on more than one occasion when I'm distracted by other things.

Congrats on your new ST2, and I hope your battery issue is in the past.

I have to agree with the posts here on the Abus Bordo Plus locks. I ride with one on my ST2 and after seeing all types of locks cut it was the most practical and convenient lock to use for me. Keep in mind that it is equally important to lock it to something that is equally as strong and securely fastened in the ground etc.. If the thieves have the tools and know how to cut the Bordo any U-lock or chain shouldn't be too much more difficult for them to break.

As mentioned above it's not uncommon for rider in high theft areas to carry a second or even a third lock increasing the time it takes to steal the bike!
An Abus Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500 is the top of the line of Abus folding locks. It can secure the frame and rear wheel of an ST2 to a bike rack, but not both wheels unless you buy a second one. They are sold in black, red and white versions. To mount the Abus lock holster to the water bottle bosses, I used two metric stainless steel button head cap screws, size M5-0.80 x 20. I also added nylon washers as spacers between the down tube and the Abus lock holster because the holster has curved ridges designed to mount to a round frame, and as you know the Stromer down tube is relatively flat. The right metric threading for the water bottle mount screws is critical or you risk stripping the threads, so be careful to buy the right ones. Also, since the screws are going into the frame close to the battery compartment, they can't be too long. The M5-0.80 x 20 size takes into account the nylon washers I used. The original button head cap screws on your Stromer are fine for water bottle cages, but way too short for mounting the 6500 holster. I was assured by Stromer that the weight of the lock wouldn't be a problem, with further assurances coming via internet photos of ST2s from European owners. They appear to be a favorite lock for Stromers on the continent. Attached is a photo of my white ST2 with a white Granit X-Plus 6500.

No lock is theft proof. Battery powered angle grinders have seen to that. So you never want to park your expensive bike outside overnight (Abus or no Abus), and otherwise you need to use your discretion where you park your bike during the day and for how long. Of course, using the lock mode on the ST2 is also a good idea, but it doesn't offer complete backup protection if someone cuts through your lock. By the way, to prevent myself from inadvertently tripping the theft mode, when I park my ST2 I wrap a yellow spiral plastic wristband (the kind designed for key rings) around the left brake lever and the bar grip to remind me not to move the bike while it is in lock mode. It has prevented me from making this mistake on more than one occasion when I'm distracted by other things.

Congrats on your new ST2, and I hope your battery issue is in the past.

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Thanks for the recommendation, I hardly use the theft mode on my ST2, havent had the need to use it for now, but I ordered the Abus Gordo Granit recently, one thing is that I am using a water bottle holder on my downtime and I don't want to drill into my bike in order to secure the Abus lock. Once I get the lock I'll figure something out~ Thanks again, the ST2 is one amazing bike!
I wrote a few words about the "LITELOK" under the accessories-thread earlier this week.Have a look at "".

This lock got the highest rating from "Sold secure" in the UK. Its flexible in use and got low weight. I have used my two locks for a couple of weeks now, and are very satisfied with them in terms of use.
I wrote a few words about the "LITELOK" under the accessories-thread earlier this week.Have a look at "".

This lock got the highest rating from "Sold secure" in the UK. Its flexible in use and got low weight. I have used my two locks for a couple of weeks now, and are very satisfied with them in terms of use.

Looks decent, but I have to do further research on it... It's probably well known in the UK but not in the U.S.A, and we have a real problem with thiefs in major cities.
Looks decent, but I have to do further research on it... It's probably well known in the UK but not in the U.S.A, and we have a real problem with thiefs in major cities.

I understand your position.

Do web-search on "Sold secure"; the organization/ company which gives the litelok credibility. Sold secure rates the litelok as "bike gold"; which is the highest rating; similar to the Abus Bordo Granit and similar quality Trelock FS 500 Toro.

I got a Trelock FS 500 mounted on the bike/bottleholder. I also got the Abus Bordo in the garage. My Stromer-dealer reccommended the Trelock over the Abus, in fact.
These are so much more flexible and usable than any U-lock I have owned earlier. BUT the litelok is even easier to use; and weights much less. So when I find a suitable way to carry these litelokˋs with me; these will be my first choise.
i'd like to chime in on the battery charging issues and general battery readings being buggy. very often when i fire up the omni app on my iphone the battery charge will say 0%. i have to manually force kill the app on the iphone then start the app again and sometimes it'll show the right batt charge reading. thats issue 1.

when i go to charge the bike while the batt is still inside, sometimes it just locks up screen and the bike is not responsive. the batt reading will say N/A and the only way to get the bike to respond is to take the batt out and put back in.

another issue i had was i would plug in the charger while batt in the bike, next morning the batt didnt charge. according to the screen on the bike tho, it said it was "charging". i cant remember what the lights were on the charger, but i shouldve paid more attention to that.

more issues with batt charging... when i take the charger off the bike, sometimes the bike will become unresponsive. again need to pull the batt and put back in.

i've never had any issues during a ride though, thankfully, knock on wood. but every time i'm ready to charge the bike, i get nervous and often times its a big pain in the ass to make sure its actually charging. i'm thinking the best thing to do is just take the batt out and charge it out of the bike. then put it back in the bike when its time to ride. that might eliminate all these issues.

i am really really really hoping a software update will resolve these issues. has anyone tried to reach out to stromer directly? i tried their 800 number but got a "answering machine". i think my next step is to fill out their question form online and submit an email and see if i get any sort of response.
I have had success with removing battery to charge and then not installing battery until next ride on my St2. Surging issues are solved by removing battery , wait couple minutes, install and back to smooth running. No biggy, just take a water break.
I've email Stromer customer support, Joel usually responds. I had a terrible experience at a local bike shop, don't wan to used their name just to spare them the embarrassment. But I went to this "Authorize" Stromer repair center and the tech that was working on my bike didn't know if the onboard computer worked via Bluetooth, wifi, or whatever. The tech seemed confused and unable to work the issues with the onboard computer and verifying if the computer was updated accordingly. I spent 45 minutes to an hour, waiting for the tech to figure what was the error codes, issues with the onboard computer, etc. The tech was able to contact Stromer tech line "I'm assuming" then afterwards he was able to clear up the codes, check for updates, troubleshoot the bike, etc. Personally, and maybe this is me but I've had issues with the battery charging, issues with error codes, etc also, when I'm riding at higher rates of speeds it seems like the motor tends to hold itself back like some sort of speed limiter type of issue. Feels like the motor goes into some sort of regen mode, sort off when I apply the brakes on but I am not applying them so this is some weird thing. Not sure, maybe it's me but is this normal? The bike suppose to run smoothly, but I don't feel that it does...
I've email Stromer customer support, Joel usually responds. I had a terrible experience at a local bike shop, don't wan to used their name just to spare them the embarrassment. But I went to this "Authorize" Stromer repair center and the tech that was working on my bike didn't know if the onboard computer worked via Bluetooth, wifi, or whatever. The tech seemed confused and unable to work the issues with the onboard computer and verifying if the computer was updated accordingly. I spent 45 minutes to an hour, waiting for the tech to figure what was the error codes, issues with the onboard computer, etc. The tech was able to contact Stromer tech line "I'm assuming" then afterwards he was able to clear up the codes, check for updates, troubleshoot the bike, etc. Personally, and maybe this is me but I've had issues with the battery charging, issues with error codes, etc also, when I'm riding at higher rates of speeds it seems like the motor tends to hold itself back like some sort of speed limiter type of issue. Feels like the motor goes into some sort of regen mode, sort off when I apply the brakes on but I am not applying them so this is some weird thing. Not sure, maybe it's me but is this normal? The bike suppose to run smoothly, but I don't feel that it does...

thats too bad to hear about issues with stromer tech support.

my issues have been all related to battery charging and the omni app not accurately displaying the batt charge level. i've seen 'drive' error codes also but i think it was all related to the battery issues. i had to pull the batt out and put back in and no more drive errors. once i felt a surge at very low speeds going up a hill but thats the only time i ever felt anything off during rides.

when you say higher rate of speeds the motor holding back, what rate of speed? the motor only assists to 28mph and anything above that it's going to feel like a big resistance. it just flat out stops assisting you after 28mph and thats assuming you're in level 3 assist (at least for me). in level 2 assist depending on setting, sometimes im' not even able to get to 28 before the motor feels like its not assisting much. level 1 assist i'm only doing low to mid 20's before the motor feels like its not assisting. i think all that is normal tho and to me is perfectly fine. i love the way the bike feels and rides, no issues and its fast and efficient, smooth. i just have issues with the batt charging, quirkiness.