Battery charging procedure


I just bought a Tero 3.0 and put 21 miles on it yesterday, about 80% concrete bike path with some significant climbs and 20% easier off road foot/bike path stuff. This thing is a blast.
Anyway, I have about 55% of the battery left. Should I use the charge down to say 20% or so then recharge to 100% in order to get the longest service life out of it? I found the data below online which says there is no need to do this. What do you professionals say?

Contrarily to some received ideas, Li-ion batteries don't have a memory. They don't need regular full discharge and charge cycles to prolong life. It's actually the contrary: the smaller the discharge (low DoD), the longer the battery will last, the more cycles it will be able to do.
In general, the best rule of thumb for most lithium batteries:

Store for periods longer than a week or so at 40 to 50%.

don't discharge below 20% on a regular basis and charge to 80 - 100% just before a ride

Don't leave the battery fully charged for periods longer than a couple of days.

Our resident expert on the subject, @Ravi Kempaiah, posted this guide several years ago with more detailed information:

Welcome to the forum and good luck with your new ride!
I’m sure what @6zfshdb says is true. However, I’m lazy, so I just charge my Specialized Creo to 100% after every ride, based on the thought that on my next ride I might need it. The battery health, per both the Mission Control app and the BLEvo app, is still at 100% after over a year. It may be worth mentioning that I don’t leave it plugged in much beyond the full charge point, as I use a timer to shut it down. YMMV
I charge before long trips (24-27 miles) if battery is under 50%. I stop charge at 80-90% except 2 times a year 100%. My battery is 5 years old, doing fine.
It should be noted that batteries lose capacity with age, even on the shelf. Many here, including myself, don't ovely baby our batteries. IMO, they're meant to be used and if I use them up, so be it.

I see no reason to coddle a battery to the point where it outlives the bike. New battery technology will emerge in the near future and I, for one, will likely get a new bike that uses it.