Bafang BBS02 750w mid drive motor


New Member
I have the above mentioned motor on my bike powered by a 48v 13 ah battery every thing is working , no error on display ok when pedalling but when I stop pedalling the motor keeps on instead of stopping. If I dab the brake the power drive ceases. This has just started, the motor has done approximately 800 miles. Could it be the controller? There is no funny or burning smells. Any suggestions would be appreciated
I know you can get a programming cable for the motor and play with the software.... I don't know if this would help your issues and I have not attempted to use the programming cable I have(
) .....
We also don't know what display you are using... they have a few... I have the 500c
I take it you removed any throttle, and eliminated any issue there?
and lastly the speed sensor?? ? possible issue of not getting signals and hanging up??? I don't know...but thought I would throw it all out there.
good luck...
It sounds like you bike might have cruise control?
Apart from the cruise control yes I’ve checked the other issues but I’m no techno wizard, I’ve also been told to clean the drive cogs in the motor and regrease ? Here’s hoping 🤪
too bad...There looks to be different controllers ..if you have to get one... make sure you get the right one... at around $120 ebay, not cheep.
take a look at
there may be better video out there but here's the one I ran across... good luck,,,
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The drive cogs been cleaned and greased and have taken out for a test ride , all good for the first mile or so then back to the same fault, does anyone have an understanding of how the pedal assist work on the BBS02 or what switches/ controls the pedal assist? Here’s hoping
The drive cogs been cleaned and greased and have taken out for a test ride , all good for the first mile or so then back to the same fault, does anyone have an understanding of how the pedal assist work on the BBS02 or what switches/ controls the pedal assist? Here’s hoping
I think you already know the answer … the controller is a complex device and with the display head they control the motor,,,
there is little to repair (unless your an electronic tech with surface mount experience..
(and then you will find the unit sealed in silicone.. it is considered disposable.).
I know I mentioned a programming cable first as a way to spot trouble ,,but even If you had the programming cable and all looked good with most of the controller, as it looks in your case part of it,, could fail.with the rest good..
I think at this point, you're going to have to buy a controller- or - take a chance of that cruse control doesn't get's you into trouble...
it is an expensive disposable part and I know you wish you had one lying around to swap out and make sure that is the issue..before you spend $120 on a controller,,,
With most sellers not taking back electronic parts ,,I think you have little choice...replace controller ...or live & possibly die with/from .issue..

I know you want a simple fix......seems like you eliminated all those .. time to bite the bullet maybe...buying a controller for a motor at 800 miles.. ouch...that's gotta hurt...
they just don't have lemon laws in china... Wish they did..I would be a millionaire..

again...good luck..
I think you’re right about the controller but I’ll live with it for awhile 🤬but anyhow thanks for the input
Hello Sedgeway, it seems that I have the same problem since yesterday. When I stop pedaling, motor keeps on running. Same when I throttle, when I stop throttling, motor keeps on running. Motor stops correctly when I'm activating the break sensor. When motor keeps on running, motor speed reacts good on changing the PAS levels, motor speeds change accordingly. Also motor stops when switched to PAS 0. Took of throttle and tested with changed speed sensor, doesn't fix it. Did you solve it with your bike? Can somebody else assist? I'm living on an Caribbean Island, getting over any replacement parts is very time consuming if even possible at date. Any tips welcome, thanks in advance!
I swapped the motor out with another BBSO2 from another bike yesterday. Combination works fine again. So probably it's something in the motor itself. Controller or sensor or something. Ideas very welcome!
Just to be complete, or for those who have the same problem, it was a broken PAS magnet ring that caused the problem. See pics below. Breaking of the magnet ring was (maybe) caused by a ball of the bearing coming in between the main cog and the magnet ring, see pics, they speak for their selves. Suggestions welcome to find a supplier who ships to Curacao, Caribbean.


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Dla uzupełnienia lub dla tych, którzy mają ten sam problem, przyczyną problemu był zepsuty pierścień magnetyczny PAS. Zobacz zdjęcia poniżej. Zerwanie pierścienia magnetycznego było (być może) spowodowane przez kulkę łożyska wchodzącą pomiędzy główną zębatkę a pierścień magnetyczny, patrz zdjęcia, mówią same za siebie. Sugestie są mile widziane, aby znaleźć dostawcę, który wysyła do Curacao na Karaibach.
Naprawiłeś tę usterkę? bo mam to samo i nie wiem czy rozbierać czy szukać teraz programowo.
Tak to dla mnie wygląda. Czy może powstać przed powstaniem?


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