Avid cyclist looking to reduce ~40 mile round-trip commute time

I think for you to look at Class 3 and dropbars makes the most sense. I was commuting to a job ~22mi. each way pre-covid and charging at work with similar alt. gains.

Issue with a lot of these bike models is that they are so new and you don't really know reliability. In fact, going for an older gen Bosch (G2, G3) motor is not a disadvantage because issues were fleshed out and you know what to expect. Bulls' site shows the Grinder Evo to use a G3, so consider that one over the Urban Evo if not for the dropbars.

I would look at bikes with excellent warranty and high reliability which translates to high uptime (I think that precludes the Juiced variety, but I'm sure someone will disagree).

You mentioned lightweight, but those bikes come at a huge premium still (case in point the Domane's CF frame). So best to stick with alu. Canyon just put one out but it is a) new and b) class 1/20mph.

I personally have a Giant Revolt E+, but my warranty history with Giants has been spotty. My downtime has been high. Thankfully, my dealer has been helpful if not tired out by it.

Not a bad idea to look at the Bulls if the model hasn't been drastically changed. Going with 625Wh as opposed to 500 is a good idea too considering you are a high mileage user and your battery will be useful longer once it gets to 80% capacity. But I've ridden in the flats and the drops of dropbars, and the drops will increase the speed by a couple tenths when going 20+ presumably because of the deeper tuck.
Specialized Turbo Vado SL EQ (not sure which one)

You are trying the wrong bike! I don't know why you are constantly trying out the offerings with 1.1. It is for people who want minimal assistance mostly while climbing and ride the bike unassisted otherwise(that is why I asked which vado you have tried). It is not meant for long distance high speed commuting.
Try the bikes with 1.3 or 2.1 motors (I think that's how they called it, those are competition of gen 4) like "Turbo" Vado.

You are obviously after high power, high speed and it seems like you like domane because it is close to what you are used to. But with high power motors that riding position does not bring much and I would not call domane a good commuter( It seems the thing you liked domane is its higher powered motor). For example that Bulls will be a far better commuter and the additional capacity will make up more than the slight power increase due to aerodynamics (and you can always get a hbar like jones which will give you many riding positions). Riding ebikes with a comfortable position is just as fun.
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@Johnny : “I don't know why you are constantly trying out the offerings with 1.1.” - I’m at the mercy of what is available, that’s why.

I am also coming around on your perspective with regards to riding position. That is the primary reason for checking out this particular LBS - I knew they had several “fast commuters” - just not any non-SL Vados.

And I just watched Court’s video review of the Bulls Urban Evo - what a great-looking bike. I’m a big fan of the brown leather saddle / grip contrast to the flat black paint.
@Johnny : “I don't know why you are constantly trying out the offerings with 1.1.” - I’m at the mercy of what is available, that’s why.

Oh I see. sorry about that. Maybe you can try another bike shop.

For bosch stay with gen 4 + 625wh battery if possible, gen 2 is a good motor but I would get gen 4 over it whenever I can(their power outputs are the same so gen 4 will not be noticeably faster but it doesn't have any resistance when assist is turned off, lighter etc).

Also take your time if possible. Try as many bikes as you like.
I second; if you go Bosch, then go Gen 4. This is a serious upgrade, they finally have it right.
@Johnny : “I don't know why you are constantly trying out the offerings with 1.1.” - I’m at the mercy of what is available, that’s why.

I am also coming around on your perspective with regards to riding position. That is the primary reason for checking out this particular LBS - I knew they had several “fast commuters” - just not any non-SL Vados.

And I just watched Court’s video review of the Bulls Urban Evo - what a great-looking bike. I’m a big fan of the brown leather saddle / grip contrast to the flat black paint.

Did you end up getting a bike?
Did you end up getting a bike?
I did, but not until about a week ago. I started to re-consider the Trek Domane+ HP and was spinning through all of the options again when a Stromer ST2S popped up on my radar with a heavy discount. It was a slightly older model, but with just 45 km and being offered at 60% off its price new. I assembled it on Monday night and dropped it at a shop to bleed the brakes, install the 3G OMNI-C display upgrade and give it a once-over on Wed. The shop can't believe that the bike was actually used! We just got a foot of snow dumped on us or else I'd be giving it a spin today. Clearly, this bike is quite different than the ones I was looking at but really seems to fit the "high speed commuter" criteria.
I wrote about it here: Finally pulled the trigger
I did, but not until about a week ago. I started to re-consider the Trek Domane+ HP and was spinning through all of the options again when a Stromer ST2S popped up on my radar with a heavy discount.
It was a slightly older model, but with just 45 km and being offered at 60% off its price new.
I assembled it on Monday night and dropped it at a shop to bleed the brakes, install the 3G OMNI-C display upgrade and give it a once-over on Wed.
The shop can't believe that the bike was actually used! We just got a foot of snow dumped on us or else I'd be giving it a spin today.
Clearly, this bike is quite different than the ones I was looking at but really seems to fit the "high speed commuter" criteria.
I wrote about it here: Finally pulled the trigger
Congratulations... sounds like you found a great commuter bike for a great price! $4K vs. $10K MSRP ;)

Stromer ST2 S Review | ElectricBikeReview.com

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That is an excellent pick, one of the best commuter bikes for a 40 mile roundtrip (much better than any mid drive on your list). It may be an older model but it is more customizable than the current top of the line offering.