Aventure to Aventure.2 Upgrade?


Corona Del Mar
I own an original Aventure which has a standard pedal speed sensor and am wondering if Aventon has plans to make an Upgrade Package to install the new Aventure.2 Torque Sensor?
I own an original Aventure which has a standard pedal speed sensor and am wondering if Aventon has plans to make an Upgrade Package to install the new Aventure.2 Torque Sensor?
Here's your DIY kit for $300.

Aventure.2 Controller: https://www.martinsbike.com/product/aventon-controller-tod-for-aventure.2-40026.htm
Aventure.2 Torque Sensor: https://www.martinsbike.com/product/aventon-bottom-bracket-for-aventure.2-w-torque-sensor-40105.htm
Aventure.2 Dislplay: https://www.martinsbike.com/product/aventon-full-color-display-bc-280-37181.htm
Wow, that's great! Thanks!!
Is it really that simple though?? Are we 100% sure that new bottom bracket will fit the frame on the Aventure?

Why is a new display needed?

Is there a How To to see how the wire gets run?
Wow, that's great! Thanks!!
Is it really that simple though?? Are we 100% sure that new bottom bracket will fit the frame on the Aventure?

Why is a new display needed?

Is there a How To to see how the wire gets run?
I have installed a KT Controller and display on my Aventon, and that type of modification was not difficult, but yes, it should be a fairly straightforward plu n' play process, but it is DIY.

"Are we 100% sure that new bottom bracket will fit the frame on the Aventure?" You would want to confirm that, but they are fairly standard sizes.

"Why is a new display needed?" I am not positive that is is, and I don't know which diplay you have, but when you click that link above, the drop down box will provide selections for the Aventure and Aventure.2. However, on the Aventon web site there is only one discplay (BC-280) available for $67.00. You can always ask them if that display is compatable with the Aventure.2.

Call that dealer, Martin's Bike Shop that is selling the parts. I'm sure they could answer your questions, they sell Aventons.
The Aventure.2 torque sensor is better than the Aventure (1) speed sensor, but not as good as higher end mid-drive bikes with torque sensors. You should try them out to make sure you're getting what you want before spending money on it.
They are cheap bikes I had one I like the PAS. If you keep pedaling on its highest level I think 5 PAS you can maintain 30mph on flat asphalt. But the flaw with mine was the spokes keep breaking on trail rides.
I thought of upgrading its components but it was not worth my time.
So I bought a better ebike
My advice is don't waste your time on these ebikes. Just ride it to complete failure. Think about buying a better ebike while you running it down.
I would agree that you should sell the Aventure, and move up to a mid drive with full suspesion if your budget allows for it.
I appreciate the input on the quality of the Aventure, but all I do is ride it on the street with the wife, from home to the beach. I use it as a beach cruiser basically and was wondering if it's worth the $300 upgrade.


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Generally, when you change your controller, you’ll have to change your display as well. The display that came with your bike is most likely “married” to the existing controller and will not work with other 3rd party controllers. The new controller is needed to operate the torque sensor.
From those that have actually done the swap, did you try to use the original display? If so, did it work, or what happened as to why it didn't?
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You might end up with dry balls too 🙃