Aspen speed in MPH, but odometer in KM?


The L7 display on my Aspen reads speed in MPH, but the odometer reads in KM. I didn't see a thread on this, but Leon Cycle knows about the problem and says there's no fix - sorry. Do all the L7 displays do this?

L7 display.jpg
We did a conversion bike using the kit from Leon Cycle. I can confirm the same thing you are seeing. Do you know if the odometer is actually showing KMs though? We don't use the bike a ton, so I haven't measured it out to figure out if it's actually showing KMs, but my thinking is maybe it is still showing miles, when the display is in mph. The LCD, maybe, just always says "KM" since it's just an icon?
Good question - I' haven't ridden mine for a while so I can't say for sure, but I'll check that out.
Confirmed - even though the odo reads KM, it's actually measuring miles. I can live with this.
Confirmed - even though the odo reads KM, it's actually measuring miles. I can live with this.
Having KM displayed above odometer reading is normal. If you look at an L7 display manual it will show all available icons on a picture.There is no miles option shown. As long as the speed is set to MPH the odometer will record the same.