Anyone notice apple health and Bosch rides are not the same?


Well-Known Member
I just noticed the HR is way off between the two. I think apple just mashes it all together with none of the pauses included so HR is lower and average speed is lower. Strava's power out average is always lower too.
Strava and ebike connect show different data. Last year I had and a smartphone hub. This year Nyon and ebike connect. Different numbers.

I suspect a big part of the differences is that none of the companies talk about how they measure things. Bosch seems particularly silent on this. Does the Bosch stuff measure distance via tire rotation or gps? What kind of averaging is done for HR? How is altitude measured? and so forth...
GPS data seldom matches. but the HR? apple didn't to have my max HR even so I wonder if it doesn't to use that data and maybe takes it from my watch?
The reason a doctor will wince when you tell them you have data numbers you want them to look at. When I got my first smart watch, it was a dirt cheap model. I saw some disturbing HR numbers, but no other symptoms. Decided to buy an iWatch with GPS. I thought for that kind of money it should be pretty accurate. For the extra $250, I got basically the same numbers. To be safe my doctor sent me to a cardiologist. My resting heart rates can bottom out at 40bpm, and I absolutely don't look like an elite athlete.They had me wear a recording heart monitor for 10 days. It read an episode of resting 40s, but no traditional bad symptoms to go with it. The moral? These things aren't considered medical grade, but can be used as a warning.
I dont expect perfect HR but apple shows a peak of 111bpm and my chest HR 145 thats a huge difference.
Interesting information. Out of curiosity I looked up data from my 4 hour ride yesterday which included a reasonable hill climb.

Wahoo chest band via Bosch Nyon: Av 108 bpm Max 136 bpm
Samsung Galaxy Active 2 watch: Av 107 bpm Max 139 bpm

I've found the watch strap needs to be firm but not tight. If the watch strap is slightly loose then erroneous peak rates are produced.

Incidentally, distances yesterday: Nyon 58.44 km and watch 58.53 km.

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