Anyone has had problems with Juiced customer support?


New Member
Just wondering if anyone has had problems with their customer support? I broke my RCS red suspension lock back in January. Unfortunately you cant find those in LBS. I contacted them to see if they can send me the part. The customer support guy told me that he didn't have one but he will keep an eye on around the shop and if he finds one he will send it to me. This was requested back in January and now is September and i have not heard anything from them. I did try to follow up with them couple times last february and got the same answer so i just gave up.
Just wondering if anyone has had problems with their customer support? I broke my RCS red suspension lock back in January. Unfortunately you cant find those in LBS. I contacted them to see if they can send me the part. The customer support guy told me that he didn't have one but he will keep an eye on around the shop and if he finds one he will send it to me. This was requested back in January and now is September and i have not heard anything from them. I did try to follow up with them couple times last february and got the same answer so i just gave up.
So what exactly is the problem with juiced support?
They support so many people and you can't expect them to remember if they find a red suspension lock to get back to you. You should be the one checking up on it.
I'd give them one more try. If they say they are still looking I'd ask them to order you a replacement part since they've already had so long to look. Let use know how it goes. I'm thinking about getting a juiced bike and this might help me decide.
They have improved from previous years. I found they were a lot more responsive during my last customer support ticket. Specific to the situation you describe, Juiced Bike likely has a limited supply of spare parts for each model of bike. I’m guessing any spares that exist are manufactured and shipped with the production batch of bikes. If your bike is starting to get older, the availability of parts starts to decrease. The other thing that effects this situation is the constant flow of new models and part revisions. It’s great that they innovate and release new products, but it comes at the expense of supporting older hardware.
Sign up as the support guy by buying direct and get the support you paid for. Sorry.