Transitioning from a really powerful hub drive w/very nicely done cadence sensing, to an even more powerful mid drive with both torque and cadence sensing combined (and questionable programming!), I find I'm learning how to ride the new e-bike a whole different ball game. Though I'd like to start making changes regarding differences in the controller programming, I'm going to try to avoid knee jerk (over) reactions by riding the bike for a bit as it was delivered - while trying to maintain an open mind - as much as possible anyway.
Regarding that shift sensor delay, I managed to nearly completely stall the bike on a second ride while shifting from 3rd to 2nd a little late. The bike fell flat on it's face with a pause in power way way beyond 0.003 of a second. By time the power came back on the bike had nearly stopped. This vs. pauses that you don't even notice or notice just slightly. The difference? I'm going to say it's cadence speed. At very low cadence, my bet right now is you can plan on a pregnant pauses with a low cadence/late shift scenario. Tune-able issue? Dunno.
The other thing I've run into is false starts (bike lurches ahead) while climbing aboard in PAS 1. I have absolutely no idea how or what I'm doing to cause this. I've been caught completely by surprise each time it's happened. I do know for sure I am NOT touching the throttle. It's happened 3 times now, in the first 10 miles. My cadence based hub drive bike, which is set to turn the power on almost immediately as the crank is turned, has had maybe 3 false starts since I started riding it 3 years ago. I can deal with that kind of frequency. So that's an issue that's got my attention. Fat tires, heavy bike, gob's of power, likely not quite having your balance = unpleasant experience. I KNOW there's a setup function that will fix this issue. That's a mod that will likely happen soon - but I'd like to know for sure that the crank movement is the source of my evil first.
Not trying to sound like I'm complaining. This is a really nice bike - I just need to get used to it! -Al