Another all in one wheel on Kickstarter


Active Member
The preorder prices are attractive on this one:

Only available in 26" size so far:
It's 'OK' but I don't know if this approach has been working out all that well. A lot of their marketing is just silly, mostly their comparisons. They say their battery is 24 volts and 6 amp hours. That does not work out to 270 watt hours. I think they say their range is the highest. Curious.

The modular idea is great. The bluetooth connectivity and wireless throttle are great, if they work. But if it sells for $700 you could buy a battery for $350 with 3 times the power, and a motor for $350, for a MAC or Golden, maybe a Bafang. Same money. More work. More capable bike with known parts, available today.

They make it easy to install but they make it hard to produce a truly functional product with specs comparable to basic ebikes.


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The preorder prices are attractive

Interesting concept but I have two observations:

>Balance issues? Don't know how the weight is distributed on the "spokes" but unless they are very close in weight the wheel won't be balanced.

>Range? That's a small battery.

Court J.
Yes the limitations of the form are real, and so it will never have the range of a heavier, larger system. But it still may suit some people.

I wondered about their math when it came to the watt hours also. Which numbers are correct? It is especially obvious when it is right next to the numbers for the other systems.

I am more intrigued by this system where the motor and battery do not rotate which would remove the issue of balancing the wheel:
where the motor and battery do not rotate

I'm not sure what that means? The three spokes are tied to the rim and turning as the wheel spins. Unless the weight of each spoke is equivalent the wheel is out of balance. Without riding the bike, it's difficult to know but I'd hate to be going down a steep hill and have an unbalanced wheel.

Court J.
I was referring to another all in one wheel described in this link:

In that wheel (not the one this thread is about), the motor and battery do not rotate. Just the rim and the tire rotate.
I was referring to another all in one wheel

Ok, I get it. Crazy looking wheel. Except for the interesting design I don't see how it improves on the basic function of the good old standard hub or mid-drive ebike. It is kind of interesting that they took a standard hub motor an integrated it into the design......

Court J.
Well it is an "all in one" so easy to install, it uses standard water bottle type ebike batteries, and you can even add storage and mount lights inside the wheel! It is intriguing, and I love the way they are thinking outside the box. I am not sure how it will actually perform, but it is an interesting time in the ebike world...
There are people left who haven't been cheated by flykly or Copenhagen wheel?

There are so many complication with that design it isnt even funny. Dual motors? Detachable covers? All in one heat?
And their ad states the battery is 6ah 24v. 270Wh. Really? I get 144Wh
I wrote to the developer on Kickstarter and asked about that. I will report back if I get a response. It is either a typo or false marketing. It also puts a big question mark on their claim of 55 km range, especially when their comparison chart claims a kit bike with 360 watt hours will only go 24-32 km.
Every motor and controller in 1 seems to have heat issues (my Falco too). With the controller getting hot and shutting the motor down. Don't see why a separate controller is an issue here?? Why they feel the marketing need for it to be "all in one". WHO cares??????????????????
Getting it right will be the first one that separates the controller IMO.
I wonder if these three spoke versions (the one this thread is about and the other one where only the rim and tire rotate) accomplish separating the controller/motor/battery enough to prevent the overheating of the controller. The motor and controller can go in different "spokes".
I heard back from the developer and they have corrected the amp hour listing. They said their goal for the final version of their battery will be 7 aH and 24 volts, and the chart does now say 168 watt hours. They also claim up to 55 km (34 miles) of range which still seems extremely optimistic...unless the rider is doing most of the work through pedaling.