Ancheer - Shimono power switch needed ! Please help !


New Member
Hi all ! First time poster! In charging my Ancheer / Shimano ebike (it's like a Sunshine model, but older) I heard a pop and now the power controls will not turn on. I (believe) I have either 1. Blown a fuse or 2. Blown the power switch itself. I have done some research and CAN say, it is a 5 pin "Julet" style plug. I am attaching a picture of the piece I am looking for.

I have asked Ancheer, but it is their Chinese New Year, so they will be away for awhile, and to be honest, in dealing with them before for another issue, they haven't been much help.

I am unwilling to throw the bike away and am convinced there is a replacement piece that will not only work, but will restore full functionality out there. I just need to know where.

IF there IS a fuse to be found out there (I searched but can not tell if there is one or not), can someone please tell me where it is on this unit, and which fuse to replace it with?

I appreciate any help with this. Thank you all.


  • power.png
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Next to impossible to "blow" a switch. It carries that kind of current all the time.
No, you didn't blow the display. It's a low current device.

Here's the pinout for an LCD3 display. Most displays follow this pinout. Not saying that your LED display will, but it would work the same way. It runs off +36 and ground. The +36 is always live. When the display turns on, it routes 36V to the control pin, which turns on the controller.

If I wanted to know if the display was getting power, I'd probe the 5 pin socket to find two pins with +36V. (If your bike is 48V, you'd look for 48V). If it's getting power and not turning on, then it's broken,

However, there no need to do that. STart with your battery first. Is there any power on its output terminals? Bet there isn't, since your display won't turn on.

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Guys Im a pretty much noob as it gets. Are you suggesting my battery itself is blown in some way? Is there any way I can fix this myself, like today? I'm urgently needing the bike today if at all possible. What's the very fastest and easiest way to fix this if you dont mind me asking?
I can report that the battery light does light on it when I press it at least. The whats left indicator.
I call the part in my pic the power switch. Is there a way to buy just a replacement of this exact part ? I'm at a loss of what to do.
I am so sorry. I dont even know how to answer that. I just bought the bike from someone on offerup. I dont know much about it other than it's an Ancheer. The best I can say is, it also says Shimano on the bike as well. The part I believe that is broken is the one I attached in the pic. I dont know if that is a separate manufacturer or not. I can say that the battery itself on the chassis of the bike lights up still ok. I press the power button to turn the bike on, and it lights up for a split second and goes out. This, after I tried to charge it earlier, and heard it pop. I assumed it was a fuse, but then believe it's what (I call) the power switch? Or, is the proper term the display? I will be happy to purchase any of those displays listed. All I need to know is, will any of them work? The best I can say, based on the little research I've done, is that it is a "julet 5 pin" type plug. I've tried to unplug / replug it, but not much happens. I dont know if it has a fuse to replace or not. Will this display work in the bike I listed ?
Shimano makes bike components, not bikes. From reading your posts, I have to say that I think you’re in way over your head. You really should consider trying to find someone with electrical/electronic experience, or a bike shop that would be willing to take a look at it. Finding a shop is probably easier said than done though.... Just throwing parts at it instead of performing proper troubleshooting could end up costing you more than it’s worth imho.
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Well I mean I can take the display off. I know it's a modular piece that can be replaced. I know it's a Julet style 5 pin plug. I just need to know if there is a replacement that (will) work with a 250/350 and I think I should be ok. I just dont know which to get. I can take the display off and check it more closely in the morning and reply back.
No. That display will not work. It's a Bafang, And you didn't say earlier that the LED lit up when you pressed the button. That would mean there's power in the line but the LED display isn't staying turned on,

These LED units, what you call the switch, are almost like stand alone units. They only need power across the power/ground pins to turn on. It could be that there's not enough voltage to turn on, but you're saying the battery has charge,

Try this. Plug the charger into the battery and see if you can turn on the bike.

You can't do much trouble shooting w/o a meter. You can't borrow a voltmeter?
Update ! I have NO idea HOW or WHY, but I left all the julets disconnected -except- for the display, and went and tried to start it this morning and IT WORKED !!! The bike IS WORKING !!!! I don't know how it happened but it's a real blessing ! Thank you all for your help !!