Acceleration,climbing, too speed single vs 7 speed


I am a first timer trying to choose a new ebike. Two EBC bikes I''m considering are primarily the model R, possibly X. I live north of Atlanta, is hilly in places. I am older, 69 and a big guy, 255 with some knee issues at times and hip replacements.. I would expect the 7 speed to help with climbing. I am just curious about how, if there is much change in acceleration, and especially top speed with 7 speed vs single speed. I will be riding mostly on the road, and this is not a very biker friendly area. A little more speed is a good thing. I'm also considering a Biktrix Stunner. It's been about 15+ years since I rode a bike much, I did ride a motorcycle for about 30 years.
Go for the Stunner and do a Class-3 set-up. Pedaling slowly without pedal pressure will take you up to 28MPH. The throttle will kill it to 20Mph. Do not be tempted to install it. This bike although not perfect is a good deal. A mid-drive can take hills, potholes, and curbs. It looks to be a BBS02 inside the housing. Parts are readily available. You may even be able to do the "metric conversion hack". That is to tell the system that its wheel diameter is 40% smaller than actual and put the display into Km. The number displayed, say 35, will be the Mph.
Welcome! I hope this helps.


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Thanks for the info. So you think the Stunner is a superior bike? I like both,
Both companies seem to be good companies. I'm not very good with the mechanical part. EBC seems to have a better warranty, based solely on what I have read. I think I need the throttle for starting off at intersections, hills.
Looks like I would need to upgrade the battery, both bikes are about the same price with the same accessories. Stunner X a little pricier. Both are a little expensive for me. I have some Stunner questions I'll ask under the
Biktrix forum..
ebc model r motor 500w/1250w
Stunner x motor 750w/1000w.

7 speed add on for each,. Probable battery upgrade both, if I can afford it.
Ebc bike have to add on fenders,rack, but cheaper base price by a few hundred dollars. Stunner LT(750) hub same price as EBC bike.
Leaning toward the Biktrix Stunner. But also like EBC model R. Anyone who owns. or has ridden either ,both that has information. Preferences? I've read everything I can find. interested in hearing from someone with seat time. opinions, etc. Also anyone who has dealt with these companies' customer support.