999 miles in 2 months

Barkme Wolf

Active Member
Got my Radwagon 2 months ago and will turn over 1000 miles on my way home tonight.


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I have two batteries I switch out every couple of weeks. I have don't often run my battery down all the way so I don't know if it is any worse. I do a daily trip about 22 miles each way, lots of hills. I keep it in assist level 2 for most of the way but pump it up to 3 for a couple steep climbs. If I forget to drop it back to 2 I will run out of battery before I get home. If it were flatter I would get a better idea of the power output.
That's a lot of miles. My rear end is finally getting used to biking again. It took a couple months. I'm closing in on 100 miles and I've had mine for about 5 or 6 weeks.
That's a lot of miles. My rear end is finally getting used to biking again. It took a couple months. I'm closing in on 100 miles and I've had mine for about 5 or 6 weeks.
Keep your spokes in check. It has been my biggest problem. Was getting a lot of flats but not so bad now that I have Mr. Tuffy tire liners.
The wife and I are a little under 600 miles between two bikes since September. I put a more miles on the both bikes because I switch them off for my morning 13-14 mile commute 3-4 times a week (trying to keep the mileage/usage around the same). I ended up getting a second battery charger to leave at work to top off when I get there. I can be down to 1-2 bars when I get home on real windy (headwinds of 25-30 mph, gust +35 mph) days when I have to ride home almost up hill all the way. I might run out of power if I didn't top off at work.

Don't mind the hills since getting the ebike; but, a stiff head wind really sucks on any bike. :eek:
Got my Radwagon 2 months ago and will turn over 1000 miles on my way home tonight.
Awesome! I got my eBike around mid October and clocked in 400 miles just recently with first flat! lol So I need to catch up to you, but I doubt I will as it is starting to get cold here in Chicago and I don't think I will ride much when the slush and snow hit hehe.

I am thinking down the line that my next eBike will be a cargo bike and was looking into either the Pedego Stretch, Yube Spicy Curry, Juiced ODK U500, or what you got: the Rad Wagon. Besides hauling Cargo, I am interested in hauling people lol. I know some recommend a certain weight limit or just doing kids but have you tried a second passenger and what are your reviews with having a second passenger? Fun? Hard to ride? lol

It's all about being low and aerodynamic lol
Second post I have seen where you have a hilarious bike pic! haha do you have a bunch saved? lmao Keep 'em coming...hilarious hehe
Awesome! I got my eBike around mid October and clocked in 400 miles just recently with first flat! lol So I need to catch up to you, but I doubt I will as it is starting to get cold here in Chicago and I don't think I will ride much when the slush and snow hit hehe.

I am thinking down the line that my next eBike will be a cargo bike and was looking into either the Pedego Stretch, Yube Spicy Curry, Juiced ODK U500, or what you got: the Rad Wagon. Besides hauling Cargo, I am interested in hauling people lol. I know some recommend a certain weight limit or just doing kids but have you tried a second passenger and what are your reviews with having a second passenger? Fun? Hard to ride? lol

Second post I have seen where you have a hilarious bike pic! haha do you have a bunch saved? lmao Keep 'em coming...hilarious hehe
I have never had a passenger but I put a bunch of camping gear on it and tried in out. Under 100 lbs but it wasn't any problem at all.
Awesome! I got my eBike around mid October and clocked in 400 miles just recently with first flat! lol So I need to catch up to you, but I doubt I will as it is starting to get cold here in Chicago and I don't think I will ride much when the slush and snow hit hehe.

I am thinking down the line that my next eBike will be a cargo bike and was looking into either the Pedego Stretch, Yube Spicy Curry, Juiced ODK U500, or what you got: the Rad Wagon. Besides hauling Cargo, I am interested in hauling people lol. I know some recommend a certain weight limit or just doing kids but have you tried a second passenger and what are your reviews with having a second passenger? Fun? Hard to ride? lol

Second post I have seen where you have a hilarious bike pic! haha do you have a bunch saved? lmao Keep 'em coming...hilarious hehe
With all that weight in the back you have to be prepared to turn slowly as the rear end wants to keep going straight. I have only wiped out on gravel though.
With all that weight in the back you have to be prepared to turn slowly as the rear end wants to keep going straight. I have only wiped out on gravel though.
Yikes! brings back memories of when me and my friends used to ride multiple people on a bike and wiping out lol

Thanks for the reminder tip though, I will keep it in mind if I end up adding a cargo eBike to my eBike collection (currently just one eBike but hopefully it will grow lol)

Thanks again,
Marc V