New ADA thread.


New Member
Disabled guy here. Unfortunately, Karens and Carls have abused the ada as badly as people with "service" animals that aren't canines(no shade to those with an emotional support animal of any species). Every Leo in my state including park rangers know the federal and state laws on ebikes and how they apply and don't apply according to ADA. From personal experience, be humble, be nice and don't be a Karen or Carl and you probably won't have any problems. Believe me, in Michigan where cyclists are universally despised due to cycling clubs swarming on busy streets to lone riders on arterial roads during peak traffic hours, Michigan is not a bicycle friendly state. Trying to pull your ADA card can backfire quickly. The ADA does not supersede the federal laws regulating ebikes in the USA. The fuzz is only going to become more educated as time passes and they have to deal with more ADA Karens and Carls.

Prime example of ADA abuse:
Thanks Carl, you're making it harder on those who actually need a cane. Fore reference, tough guys calling themselves cane masters don't even need canes and there are many videos up with these morons telling people just say ADA. Guarantee you Carl here is using a much more aggressive self defense cane than the ones he sells to saps online.

No Carl, ADA does not apply here. I don't know how many people are getting these things confiscated by TSA, or giving them up at the court house security queue, but any Leo will instantly recognize that as a martial arts cane, a weapon. Seriously, a regular cane is just as practical for self defense, but I digress, have a care with your ADA card, don't wear it out for the rest of us, particularly if you don't even have a disability.
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