Specialized app almost never connects to bike (Turbo Vado 5.0 IGH)


Active Member
Hey all,

I have problems nearly every time I try to connect the Specialized app to my bike (2022 Turbo Vado 5.0 IGH). Essentially, the app will not connect to the bike, and I need to power off and on the bike multiple times to get it to connect. This happens in basically every time I try to connect. Is anyone else having this problem? I have about 1.5 months left on my warranty, and I am not sure if I should report this to my LBS or not (if everyone has this problem, I won't report it). Thanks for any help!
I get it sometimes - its a pain. Not every time though, maybe 1 time in 6/7 I'd say.

I find I have a better chance of it all working if I turn on the bike first, then open the app - rather than the other way around.
Do you have both the old and new apps installed? They will fight over the bike. You need to unpair (or uninstall) one for the other to connect reliably.
I had similar issues as Nonlinear. Uninstalled the Specialized App. "Forgot" my two e-bikes in Bluetooth settings (unpaired them). Reinstalled the Specialized App and paired both e-bikes again. It worked. Note: I have also uninstalled Mission Control. I can still use the BLEvo app though (one app at the time).
I had similar issues as Nonlinear. Uninstalled the Specialized App. "Forgot" my two e-bikes in Bluetooth settings (unpaired them). Reinstalled the Specialized App and paired both e-bikes again. It worked. Note: I have also uninstalled Mission Control. I can still use the BLEvo app though (one app at the time).

I followed these instructions, and still had problems connecting. However, after playing with it for a few minutes trying to get it to connect, the app asked me if I wanted to connect the bike as a companion device. I said yes, and now I've been able to connect immediately after three bike restarts -- the most I can remember having since installing the Specialized app. Time will tell if this fixed the issues or not, but I'll try to give an update in a while.
I would delete the app and clear your cache on your phone then reinstall it and then connect to the bike that's what I had to do specifically going from old app to the new app. Good luck
update - still having problems connecting... I've uninstalled and re-installed the app already, I guess I'll try uninstalling and clearing the cache as suggested by Te. S to see if that works
I had this issue earlier in the week. Like others, I had to to clear cache / storage and even uninstalled a couple times to get it to work again, and it was a challenge to get prompt to connect as a companion device.

I did have some instances where app claimed it connected during setup, but failed to connect on subsequent attempts so I had to redo -- it seems like companion device prompt is an indicator of success.

Since then, my ride data is having about a 50% success rate as well, perhaps a coincidence as it is not particularly reliable.

The app was updated on Aug 22 to update add-a-bike process (ha) and the charge limit issue was fixed (that worked fine for me but was a long standing issue for others). I'm not sure when it was updated on my phone, presumably well before I had issues this week.

In the past, app used to unlock my bike without me even opening app (very low success rate....) but that hasn't happened yet. Has anyone had any luck with that in general? Just power up bike and it auto unlocks if phone is nearby?