503 Speed Sensor error on Haibike/Bosch system


New Member
I got this on my second ride tonight. The sensor appears to be sitting in a good spot and I see in the manual 5-17mm is the appropriate range. Any tips/tricks you can offer?
Thanks.....it wasn't clear in the manual where to index it. Its hard to see the line on a black sensor (I didn't even know there was an index line until the diagram). I'm not sure who assembled the magnet in that spot but its a poor choice - there's no way it could be positioned properly given that the reflector is mounted right where it needs to be. Easily fixed.
You're welcome.
I think Germans built it on a Friday afternoon and I am sure you did nazi that coming...

It's great bike. Enjoy.
I think my Garmin speed/cadence sensor +ant has the LED, but it also uses the battery faster. Tusk, tusk.
True measured in a few milliamps over days, I'd hope. If not, I'd ditch it.

"Tusk, tusk"...?

I was just giving you some friendly technical smack on your tsk... tsk... for the Germans not designing LED feedback. Garmin does have feedback and my sensor last about 1.5-2 months (when used often) before it needs another 2032 cell, so tusk...tusk... to your tsk...tsk and that design as well.
