30 day inspection post-pirchase


Active Member
Every newly assemebled bike that i have ever bought from a LBS, they recommend bridging it in after a month or two for an inspection, because things may have slipped etc.

I bought my ebike online and would like to do the inspection myself. What should I be looking for?
check all fasteners check the wheels for loose spokes and equal tension. check brake adjustment and how well they work adjust the shifters and they all get some stretch as everything brakes in.
The primary reason shops offer a 30 day inspection is to get you back into the shop and potentially buy something. Frankly it has little to do with actually making sure everything is adjusted properly, because they are likely only going to run through the gears, squeeze the brake levers, and visually inspect it for anything obvious unless you specifically call out a problem.

If everything is working as it should, you really only needs to check all the fasteners. If you don't already make it a habit of checking tire pressure, do it now; it is the #1 thing most people neglect.
spoke tension is the important one. no matter hwo well the wheel is built it breaks in and needs tweaked after several hundred miles.
spoke tension is the important one. no matter hwo well the wheel is built it breaks in and needs tweaked after several hundred miles.

As someone who has built hundreds of wheels, I'd say if spoke tension is off after only a few hundred miles, it definitely wasn't well built!
As someone who has built hundreds of wheels, I'd say if spoke tension is off after only a few hundred miles, it definitely wasn't well built!
yes a thousand or so is more the norm but thats a better built wheel. the first few months though. now if you have a rad rover or my EG bike it had three loose spokes after about 500 miles shop fixed it and a few hundred more two broken spokes. I paid to have a shop rebuild the weeks with the right spokes.
Every newly assemebled bike that i have ever bought from a LBS, they recommend bridging it in after a month or two for an inspection, because things may have slipped etc.
Specialized require regular servicing at their store, or the warranty is void. Just saying.
Which is their way to get more money but I accept that.