2018 Surface 604 Updates from Interbike


Active Member

Court mentioned in his 2018 Surface 604 update that the 2018 Rook and Colt received the following updates:

- new colour & graphics (including new black)
- up to 25 mph (vs 20 mph in 2017)
- $100 price reduction
- stem upgraded to Satori UP2

Does anyone know whether the 25 mph and $100 reduction is in effect now? There is no mention on the surface604.com website, or any dealer websites. I am waiting for these updates.

Court mentioned in his 2018 Surface 604 update that the 2018 Rook and Colt received the following updates:

- new colour & graphics (including new black)
- up to 25 mph (vs 20 mph in 2017)
- $100 price reduction
- stem upgraded to Satori UP2

Does anyone know whether the 25 mph and $100 reduction is in effect now? There is no mention on the surface604.com website, or any dealer websites. I am waiting for these updates.

Not yet. We will update the website with everything once the 2018's are in house.