2/6 Update on timelines and Shipping

Received email (as founder) on February 12, but not sure how to respond at this time. I'm still not sure what's being included at this point, and what the upgrade pricing is for various components.

There are a few people asking for further clarification, but so far there has been no followup from Pushkar.
Agree. The confirmation email needs more detail on options and costs. Really not actionable in current form.
Has anyone else in the first batch not received an email? Tomorrow is the last business day of February.
Most helios orders were sent. Hydra was delayed but started sending earlier in the week. I shoudl have most orders sent out today / tomorrow.
WHAT !!! ??? I have not gotten an email and you said I would be in this batch when I missed the first bunch.
WHAT !!! ??? I have not gotten an email and you said I would be in this batch when I missed the first bunch.
Sorry.. went out for helios first, hydra should be there today / tomorrow. Just wanted to be sure about the frame sizes that were shipped.
My understanding was that my Helios order was in this batch, as the cutoff was stated to be end of November. I have not received anything.

waiting for my email like
I'm just hoping to get my Hydra before poor Pushkar goes stark raving bonkers, throws up his hands running for the tall grass screaming "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE !!!" and joins a contemplative commune run by swami peace/love/ultimate bliss. We love you Pushkar and know you are doing the best that can be done. 👍 👍👍👍
I'm just hoping to get my Hydra before poor Pushkar goes stark raving bonkers, throws up his hands running for the tall grass screaming "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE !!!" and joins a contemplative commune run by swami peace/love/ultimate bliss. We love you Pushkar and know you are doing the best that can be done. 👍 👍👍👍
Ditto that
I think everyone here loves Pushkar.. The WW story is exciting and those fortunate enough to sport a WW nameplate are lucky indeed
I also believe that those of us w/ $$ down for many months are very empathetic to the current situation.. I mean as a small business it has got to suck to be fighting for parts with companies 10x your size and then watching your investment sit on a Tarmac or float around the world interminably..
Here’s where I stand ... i expect a great bike.. I expect great service when I get that bike..Between now and then I’d like timely updates that are accurate.. Pushkar, I love you man but this whole email thing has been a nightmare... I don’t expect you to perform miracles or build a bike out of magically obtained pieces, but I would very much like to be treated like a client buying a high end product.
.. I feel like an idiot incessantly checking my email and chat board like a teenager looking for love..
I think everyone here loves Pushkar.. The WW story is exciting and those fortunate enough to sport a WW nameplate are lucky indeed
I also believe that those of us w/ $$ down for many months are very empathetic to the current situation.. I mean as a small business it has got to suck to be fighting for parts with companies 10x your size and then watching your investment sit on a Tarmac or float around the world interminably..
Here’s where I stand ... i expect a great bike.. I expect great service when I get that bike..Between now and then I’d like timely updates that are accurate.. Pushkar, I love you man but this whole email thing has been a nightmare... I don’t expect you to perform miracles or build a bike out of magically obtained pieces, but I would very much like to be treated like a client buying a high end product.
.. I feel like an idiot incessantly checking my email and chat board like a teenager looking for love..
My post was made in jest, poking fun at the situation. The reality is it’s not just Watt Wagons that is having delivery or supply issues. It’s the whole industry. While I agree open communication is important I’d much rather have Pushkar working on getting the bikes built and shipped vs spending half the day online.