So I can't think of a way around this problem without modifying the battery or the charger, and that I don't really want to do. On my system, there seems to be a fatal flaw in using the CD60 and I don't think it will be applicable in my charging system. It's because both my battery is too smart, and my charger is also smarter than it should be. Check out the video link below to see the endless cycle that results when full charge is reached.
What seems to be happening is this:
- Battery reaches set charging voltage (UP on the CD60).
- CD60 disconnects the battery from the charger.
- Battery voltage disappears from the barrel connector as I proved with my DMM earlier in a post above*.
- Now the charger sees no voltage off the battery so the charger thinks the battery is full and has disconnected its self.
- With no current flowing to the battery and no battery voltage, the charger light goes from red to green.
- At that moment, the charger appears to shut down power completely momentarily to the battery (CD60) in this case.
- CD60 shuts off because it has no power from the battery or the charger momentarily.
- Charger cycles and a moment later the CD60 powers up again and reboots.
- Battery is at full charge so the CD60 again cuts the power from the charger to the battery.
- Charger shuts off (red to green momentarily), and CD60 loses power.
- Charger turns back on...
So without power on the CD60 all the time I'm stuck. If there is a way to spoof the CD60 into seeing a load continuously that might work. I thought about capacitors and simple circuits, but nothing simple really will work that I've come up with yet. Any ideas from others are welcome.
*I think the voltages I measured off the barrel connector earlier NOT during charge are really just phantom voltages and are not capable of providing real power. I have a very high end DMM and an voltage on the barrel pins no matter how little power will show up. I don't think there is any power of consequence on the barrel connector unless it's actively being charged.
