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  1. lemmitrek

    So, lights...

    I have a second light on bike that I use to be seen and only use the integrated one at night. It took me a while to find an integrated light that has a build in switch in case I really want to preserve battery. I have not used the switch yet and could avoid low batter with a second charger...
  2. lemmitrek

    So, lights...

    The site is also in English available. Took about a week to arrive from Germany.
  3. lemmitrek

    So, lights...

    Simon You're not the only one. ;-) I spent quite some time searching as well and found this one. The price was ok and the light is bright enough and also wide enough...
  4. lemmitrek

    Got yelled at by the police

    Bud, I really enjoyed reading your thoughtful written response and appreciate it very much. I started merging when the traffic slowed down due to the red light and I was trying to completely move over to the left to not slow anybody down. There is enough space on that stretch to ride a bike on...
  5. lemmitrek

    Got yelled at by the police

    Good observation. Trying to strike the balance to merge with the least impact on traffic. If I wait to long the light turns green going straight and it gets really dangerous. Mergin early I drive all the way to the left that the cars can easily pass. We don't had those type of streets in...
  6. lemmitrek

    Got yelled at by the police

    Thank you for your feedback. I did not take any short cuts and followed what I thought was the right way of merging. The problem with this street is that you are allowed to go up to 50 miles. I don't think I did anything wrong. I think his concerns that a car would simply not pay attention were...
  7. lemmitrek

    Got yelled at by the police

    Part of my home commute is on a short 2 lane road US-46. I have to get from the shoulder to the left side to merge onto the left turn lane. This part is always unnerving. I'm lit up like a chrsitmas tree when I riding in the dark. I waited with merge attempt until trafic slowed enough down due...
  8. lemmitrek

    Upgrading Brakes?

    The advantage of upgrading to BB7's is that you can continue using your existing levers with the cutoff. The brakes of the Dash are Shimano. They are not bad, but the adjustment is more painful than it needs to be. I love hydraulic brakes, but I am content with mine at the moment, knowing that...
  9. lemmitrek

    Upgrading Brakes?

    I was in the same boat as you when I took the E3 Dash 2104 for a test drive. I didn't like the brakes at all, but I liked the bike. The bike shop was trying to upgrade it to hydraulic brakes, but could not find any with the integrate switch. While the LBS was looking for a solution, the 2015...
  10. lemmitrek

    Borp, Gorp, Torp, Sorp, Lorp, Borp, Orp

    Excellent, that was the answer I was looking for. Thank you.
  11. lemmitrek

    Borp, Gorp, Torp, Sorp, Lorp, Borp, Orp

    J.R. your link is a different product than the ORP which 86 is talking about.
  12. lemmitrek

    Borp, Gorp, Torp, Sorp, Lorp, Borp, Orp

    J.R where did you find that it last 6-12 month? It only found 6-12 hours for light part Unfortunately They don't say anything about the time for using the horn only. By the way you can recharge it.
  13. lemmitrek

    Borp, Gorp, Torp, Sorp, Lorp, Borp, Orp

    I was looking at it as well for just the horn. I don't like the idea that you have to turn it on for the horn only. How long does the battery last in that mode?
  14. lemmitrek

    Riding Position 2014 vs 2015

    I driven both and I don't feel much off a difference in the position.
  15. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    Thanks :). No Errors as far as I can tell. It was of course the last cable that I pulled :rolleyes:
  16. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    Shea, I followed your instruction and was able to pull it off. Without your guidance, I would have given up. This is quite messy and it is too bad that the tech note on the Currier site is wrong. I tried to pull it out from the upper part and that did not help at all. Here are some picture in...
  17. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    That makes me feel better. Did even realize that the picture says Peak. I will check tonight and give it another try.
  18. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    Sorry for being a bit dense today. Just to be sure what is displayed here at the beginning was down at the bottom?-W
  19. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    Thanks for the quick response. I had opened the cable channel from the bottom as well, but everything looked pretty rigid. Pulling on the other side did not move anything. How far down is the throttle connector? Were you able to see the connector form the bottom entry? I had trouble to get the...
  20. lemmitrek

    My Izip Dash got "Horns"

    Hi Charly, I have tried to switch to Ergon Grips yesterday, but I was not able to pull the cable out of the housing. I followed the instructions I was afraid that I would break...