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  1. D

    Which KT Controllers are Sensorless

    I went ahead and bought the controller, display, and PAS sensor from GBK. My biggest problem was dimensions. the 36/48v controller wouldnt fit in the frame so im trying to stretch a 24/36v 250W controller...
  2. D

    Which KT Controllers are Sensorless

    Learned a lot recently about Ebikes after buying a non-working one. I think the aftermarket controller currently in it is bad (Brainpower 800a-6) because the wheel won't spin unless I hold the "C" button on the display (LOL). Looking at switching to a KT controller. Currently looking at KT36 17A...
  3. D KT displays

    Thanks! Any recommendations for kits? Looking to run a 350W sensored motor sensorless.
  4. D KT displays

    Sorry for reviving an old thread but Im about to give up on my Brainpower controller as I can only get the wheel to spin when I hold the "C" button the screen lol. Where is the best place to buy a KT kit from, im worried ebay or others might be knockoffs.
  5. D

    did you ever find an answer to this? I'm in the same position.

    did you ever find an answer to this? I'm in the same position.