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  1. R


    Plus jalapeños.
  2. R

    Just for fun...

    Modify with: "About your Protest Ebike" ?
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    Just for fun...
  4. R

    Just for fun...

  5. R

    Just for fun...

    Nope, still manhole cover.
  6. R

    US health insurance and mtb

    Never saw anything on our health insurance over the years. But on the overseas travel medical insurance we use there is an upcharge for listed higher risk activities.
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    hair dryers

    Don't hair dryers have multiple heat settings? My wife said she never uses high; too hot.
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    The Future of eBikes: How Fast is Too Fast?

    Most people underestimate the level of screwedness they face "if an accident happens and the thing they are driving is in some way noncompliant". Even worse than 2-wheeled offenders are overloaded RV/Van/PU operators. Amazing naivety on those forums.
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    Comfortable E bike seat

    Never had tingly feet issue. Resolved numb nuts with angle experimentation though.
  10. R

    I think phone cases are getting crazy expensive

    Update: just took delivery of a replacement for 4 y.o. case. Only $22.
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    Riding Towards Quality: A Call to End Low-Cost Compromises in the Bike Industry

    I guess I'm glad I picked Gazelle over Specialized. Only other one we considered was Trek. What happens if you don't do the update every 6 months? I can see a software update being need if you change components.
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    Riding Towards Quality: A Call to End Low-Cost Compromises in the Bike Industry

    I agree PCs eventually benefit from software updates to communicate with other software the user wants to use. I'm still running Windows 7 on one computer because it still does everything I need it to do. Needed to update another computer because of Astronomy related software I wanted new...
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    Riding Towards Quality: A Call to End Low-Cost Compromises in the Bike Industry

    Why would you need software updates? Change for the sake of change like a PC?
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    Calling all math majors

    I'd compare it to tire pressure gauges: mid scale is good. Our Sprinter and ebikes use the same gauge. Car has a different (lower max) gauge. Pressure gauge for old touring bike (110 psi tires) would suck for current applications.
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    Calling all math majors

    As I recall my 12V nominal 100 Ahr batteries weigh 31 # each.
  16. R

    Calling all math majors

    Guidance I recall seeing is up to 80% of rating. Probably would reconsider 500A shunt for 40A load. But I am not familiar with what you have shown.