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  1. G

    How long do Trek Allant e-bikes last?

    You must be riding fast, I am a 18 to 22 mph guy. Nice to know these bikes hold up so well. I ride 20 miles on pavement but not lots of hills. And get two rides out of my std 625 battery. Looking at the Treks they seem like they are built like small motorcycles and so I have been very...
  2. G

    How long do Trek Allant e-bikes last?

    I am surprised 44,000 miles in a 2017 super commuter 8S. Are they pretty similar to the Allant +8S in drive train Bosch equipment? Very encouraged it’s lasting so long. My two bikes seem pretty bulletproof. Seat suspension was my only change and I really it on both bikes.
  3. G

    How long do Trek Allant e-bikes last?

    I own two Allant 8+S , one with 5000 mi and seems to be going strong, never been back to the shop except for the annual tuneups. But Original not as quiet as my newer one with 1000 mi. Bought a second one used with 600 miles because didn’t want to be without an ebike. I just noticed a post...
  4. G

    Hub and Belt system on Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 your impressions? Says in 2022 on web site

    I own a Trek Allant 8 plus S and like it but looking at a second commuting bike. 15 to 20 mile distances, like my Allant but would be nice to have suspension also. Wondering are there any Specialized models with the belt system ? Are they more reliable than traditional chain, derailer...
  5. G

    Any idea where I might find a 2022 Spec Turbo Vado in M , white (pref) ? And some ebike questions Allant 8 plus S and Turbo Vado 5.0.

    In Portland area a few more days. How do you find out where the Bikes might be in stock? Thanks
  6. G

    Any idea where I might find a 2022 Spec Turbo Vado in M , white (pref) ? And some ebike questions Allant 8 plus S and Turbo Vado 5.0.

    Hello I have been an ebike rider for about 18 months mostly in AZ. Have a Trek Alliant 8 + S and like it a lot. Ride most days on flat roads 20 mile loop very little traffic. I am 74 and been riding 15 years. So we also have a place in SW Utah after hauling the Trek around several...