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  1. K

    Hello from The Netherlands

    @albyrne Good day. I did two things. First I have a Nyon display. So I loosened the bolts of the stem and adjusted the stem to the upright position. You have to loosen the bolts quite a bit since it is a toothed connection. After loosening just lift the steering bar and tighten. But please...
  2. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Yes I did and that is super easy and takes 1 minute. You just tilt over the bike on its stand a bit to lift the rear wheel off the ground and spin the pedals for 30 seconds.
  3. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Will do.
  4. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Maybe it is anyway a good idea to create a separate topic on Automatiq
  5. K

    Hello from The Netherlands

    Here you will find my Automatiq findings. Post in thread 'Enviolo vs Rohloff E14'
  6. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    If there is a need/wish I can do a detailed step by step description of the installation........
  7. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Yes I have the RX option installed. That is a R&M option. But is is just a IOT chip and a battery that hides behind the engine cover. There are other options available that are of better quality like Powerunity ( However I do not know what works in the US. But it is...
  8. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Thought about that. But maybe wishful thinking. BTW I understand simultaneous BT connection is not allowed. That would mean two controllers controlling the same bike.... But they could make it way smarter then it is right now.....
  9. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    BTW. Couple of other things to keep in mind. And that is the color coding of the Enviolo cable. The bleu and yellow are the + and _. Not the red and blue. On the Bosch system the Black and Red are the + and _...
  10. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    The only way to control from the Bosch controller is indeed to have your bikeshop to provide the proper firmware. However most bikeshops will not be able to as the software to do so is only available for bike producers. I did call Enviolo. They told me I could use the AUX port (on Gen 4...
  11. K

    Hello from The Netherlands

    @Akrotiri Made a couple of pictures today. Also added the Magura MDR-P floating brake discs to the list.
  12. K

    Hello from The Netherlands

    Will do. However super dark here right now.
  13. K

    Hello from The Netherlands

    Good day all. I am from the Netherland. Own a Riese Muller Charger 3 from 2021 (a Vario). Love the bike do not love the powerconsumtion and do not love the Enviolo heavy shifting so upgraded to AutomatiQ. Also tweaked the bike on the following points: 1. Kinekt Saddlepost 2. Brooks Saddle 3...
  14. K

    Enviolo vs Rohloff E14

    Hi All, Thanks for letting me in on this forum. Maybe you are interested in my story with AutomatiQ. I upgraded my R&M Charger 3 to AutomatiQ two weeks ago. Installation was quit straightforward however you need to be a bit technical. Main reason to upgrade was because I was annoyed by the heavy...