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  1. T

    bosch nyon 2021 release date

    Well, today is a different day! I decided to see what would happen if I deleted and then reinstalled the Bosch eBike connect app on my iPhone. Low and behold, once I did that, then the Nyon connected with Heartcast just fine. I just hope I don't need to use this procedure before every ride...
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    bosch nyon 2021 release date

    Oh well. Thanks so much for trying to help me. I do have a Polar chest strap heart monitor that the Nyon recognizes, but it is a pain in the butt to put that on each time I want to go out for a ride and I was thinking it would just be so simple to use the Apple Watch for showing my heart rate...
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    bosch nyon 2021 release date

    Many thank. I succeeded in installing HeartCast on my AppleWatch and it is showing my heart rate on the watch just fine. But it's not showing up on the Nyon. I tried rebooting the Nyon a couple of times with no effect. I still can't get the Nyon to bluetooth pair with the watch. Any more...
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    bosch nyon 2021 release date

    Hi Mongooseman- Can you offer any advice please on how I might use a third party app to make it so my Apple Watch could indeed send the heart rate to my Nyon? Thanks for any help you can provide here.
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    bosch nyon 2021 release date

    I bought an Apple Watch today to use while riding my new Riese & Muller Homage. I just naturally assumed that the heart rate function on the watch would connect via bluetooth with the Homage's Nyon. Turns out that was a naive assumption on my part. So now if I want to track my heart rate on...
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Once I feel l've learned how to ride properly, I'll try to join one of these Thursday excursions. Cheers!
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    Thanks! Love your "handle." Yes, I am getting it from The New Wheel, right there at Larkspur Landing. And thanks for sharing the great idea of using SMART to get up to rides in Sonoma! I'll definitely check that out.
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    I am very much looking forward to riding across both the Richmond Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge!
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    Love your heat map! I can only hope to cover all these trips in the coming months. I live along one of these routes -- the "Paradise Loop," and will begin my journey there.
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    Thanks Merle. I don't envision ever bombing down single tracks, but I'm hoping to be able to do reasonable trails and fire roads on the Homage. It's got a full suspension, and I'm getting it with the Schwalbe Johnny Watts tires. I'm sure I have a steep learning curve ahead of me, but maybe...
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    Newbie from Tiburon, CA

    Hi all- thanks for letting me join your forum. I made great use of it as a non-member while I was sorting out what e-bike and what accompanying gear to get. I ended up deciding to totally splurge and have purchased a new Riese & Muller Homage with the works (double battery, HS, Rohloff, etc.)...