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  1. R

    BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km

    Interesting! My down button also stick sometimes. In fact the first unit was replaced under warranty. I was eventually able to fix it by pulling out on the button which seems to be held by an elastic connection. I keep a spare 500C with me in case I can't fix it on the road. It is a nice piece...
  2. R

    BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km

    I do use the Eggrider but also find it less than satisfactory. It does work well when paired with a smart phone. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works very well. The Eggrider like all displays that I know can only work with the data from the Bafang controller which in my case...
  3. R

    BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km

    It is true to some extent that you get a 'feel' for how the bike performs with experience. The great value in tracking efficiency is that it allows accurate ride planning. I know I have at least 600 usable wh in my battery (measured). If I'm headed out on a 100 km ride I know I can't average...
  4. R

    BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km

    OK - I'll take that as a no....
  5. R

    BBS02 display with efficiency as wh/km

    Does anyone know of a BBS02 display with wh/km (mi) capability? I have an Eggrider that does but it is not ideal. I have also added my own shunt and watt meter that works fine but am looking for a simpler less messy approach. To me, the most useful information you can have is efficiency - easy...
  6. R

    Ebikes - the game changer!

    As a long time rider I found the inevitable effects of aging to slowly decrease my usual 100 km rides to less than 20. I watched as my great joy of riding through the quiet countryside disappeared. With a little work and money everything changed. I added a Bafang BBS02 motor to one of my bikes...
  7. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    A clarification - I just moved the speed sensor so that it was still powered but not getting any signal. Interesting though, the display must use the speed input for determining status as the display powered down after the auto shutoff interval. I will be interested to watch your TSDZ project...
  8. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    Interesting that even after many years the BBSXX still has its mysteries. One more piece perhaps... I disconnected the speed sensor as a test. I was expecting the current at the PAS level to be maintained unaffected by crank speed if road speed was the only contributor. This is NOT what I got...
  9. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I took a 50km ride today and had a good chance to check a few things out. I think I am convinced that moving Stop Decay to 100 (1000 ms) improved control around the setpoint, It is no worse that plus/minus 1kmh now. It is not day or night different but it is a little smoother. I don't expect any...
  10. R

    Useful addition to any BBSXX

    Honestly, most of the time the only thing I use the display for - either 500C or Eggrider - is to see the PAS level. I just use my power meter and old speedo to get all the data I need, The Eggrider with a smart phone comes close to an ideal setup but it is limited to the data provided by the...
  11. R

    Useful addition to any BBSXX

    The voltage deviation is a not a big deal and would be easy to adjust to - but I would always prefer accurate data. The availability of energy (wh) is the real reason I added this. I have not seen this on other Bafang displays but could have missed it.
  12. R

    Useful addition to any BBSXX

    As an interested BBS02 user I was very disappointed in the data provided by my 500C display. I already had my speedo that provided all the usual speed and distance data and found that it was difficult to read the more interesting power and voltage on the little display - and the voltage was off...
  13. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I'm sure you can see the problem that Bafang faces - if you allow users to make changes all sort of bad things can and will happen. Sure, the users reading these posts will be fine but many others - especially those that are interested only in speed - will end up with problems that ultimately...
  14. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I would be very surprised to find that the controller could interpret data in more than one way. I believe that the Eggrider or the Speeed application are simply reading and writing various data streams to the controller. I suspect that the controller firmware is stored in some sort of...
  15. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I missed this! Thanks for having a look. Interesting results. I just tried now using my 500C display. I find that the Eggrider does not write changes at times. The 500C is very simple and I can confirm that changing the global speed limit most definitely changes the control road speed as...
  16. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I have just read through your long posting on Stop Delay and see that you have done a great deal of experimentation on the BBS02 controller and are likely confident in your understanding. I think I now understand what it meant by 'smoothness'. It is essentially the degree of control about the...
  17. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I would probably agree that the Bafang controller is not the latest and greatest but it seems satisfactory for the task. If you have priced some of the other controllers it looks a great deal. I would ask that you consider a little experiment. Set you global speed limit to 32 - assuming you...
  18. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I use my own shunt and power meter to see what is really going on with the controller. Now I was expecting a larger change in the cutoff speed compared with what you report so it may well be that I just missed it. Let me just walk through this to see if I have it right! Assume a PAS with a...
  19. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I have performed this test several times and do not see any difference in the cut off speed, Even after much reading and experimentation I get the feeling I know less and less about this controller as time goes on....
  20. R

    BBS02B - my look at driver settings

    I just tried 0, 10 and 100 (1000ms). I could not really feel any difference! Maybe I'm missing something? I'm not sure what you mean by 'smoothness'. And yes, I can see that it does not affect Stop Delay.