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  1. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    They said not to change the PAS percentages, we were troubleshooting something though so they'd requested the settings be changed to test.
  2. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    Yeah you're correct, I posted here after Kevin stated I'd exited incorrectly, which I had. But even exiting the right way nothing got saved. He posted this morning that a replacement display is required. So if you can't save by holding - you should reach out to support.
  3. damianpenney


  4. damianpenney

    Where the heck is the LMT'D "MODE" button?

    Mode button is the on/off button. After you turn the bike on it's used to change the mode of the display (trip, top speed etc)
  5. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    Bijeman - regards the original topic I believe the issue with your amp setting is two fold. #1 Current Limit is set per PAS level. So you are setting the current limit for whatever PAS level you have the display set to. #2 You save the changed current setting by holding the on/off button, and...
  6. damianpenney

    LTD shipped! - arriving Sep 4th

    Good old FedEx never fails to disappoint... Let's see if they deliver tomorrow... Sigh.
  7. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    My hunch was that you were experiencing something similar to the ebike escape guy had with his LTD, whereby the controller was giving too much of a boost when power was requested (in his case via the torque sensor) such that the bike almost got away from you after it flipped the motor on. So you...
  8. damianpenney

    LTD shipped! - arriving Sep 4th

    Not quite, due tomorrow, 5th :)
  9. damianpenney

    LTD shipped! - arriving Sep 4th

    The wait is over, got my FedEx tracking number, my LTD will be here by end of day tomorrow! Can't wait :)
  10. damianpenney

    How many here are waiting for Sep 15 ship dates?

    Aw yeah, my LTD should arrive by end of day tomorrow, just got the FedEx notice!!! WOOOOO!
  11. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    The watts jumping around could be fine, for a given load at a given pedaling cadence it should remain the same, but if you're on a ride over varying terrain while pedaling at different speeds you would expect it to bounce around. What does sound odd is it displaying watts in the thousands, at...
  12. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    It's less that setting it at X amps runs the motor at a certain wattage and more that it caps it. So even if the motor is working really hard and wants to draw more amps to service that load it won't be able to so you'll stop accelerating or start decelerating. I don't think pas level limits...
  13. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    Well to get that peak 1000W back you could always set your controller to 21A... Might get a little toasty if you push it for too long though.... :)
  14. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    Here's the full manual for the display that goes into a bit more depth regards the various settings Key Disp KD218 Manual
  15. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    I think that motor has peak wattage of 800W (under heavy load like going up a hill) and sustained of 500W - 11A correlates to the sustained wattage while 14 is the peak, in the video he says he doesn't need the torque that 14A would provide so he limits it to 11A which is enough to get to top...
  16. damianpenney

    My amps were set at 18 Ride1up suggest 11

    You need enough watts to feed the motor. Watts is volts * amps. So to fully power the 750w motor on the LTD you'd need it set to 17. For a 500w motor it would be 11A. Motor watts/battery volts will give you the amp setting. Setting it lower limits your top power, setting it higher potentially...