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  1. Travelbugblues

    New Specialized Como SL

    I LOVE the new Como step thru. Wow. I wish they had that when I bought my bike! Getting on looks so much easier. Sometimes I struggle with my double knee replacements. I manage but it can be a bit crazy at times. lol. I think for me the regular weight is fine. I've gotten use to that. Not sure...
  2. Travelbugblues

    Redshift ShockStop seatpost and stem installed

    Love it! Want it! Need it! I am just learning about this. Trying to deal with the numbness in my arms.
  3. Travelbugblues

    About to pull the trigger on Specialized Turbo Como 4.0. Will I regret it?

    Hi Mia, I love my Como. It's a stretch to say I"m 5'2". I put a bike rack on my bike and also a different seat so I can lower it and clear my bike rack. I LOVE my bike! It is so smooth and a joy to ride. I can go anywhere now and before I did not ride much. It's expensive but it is so great to...
  4. Travelbugblues

    RAcktime Rack for Como 5

    Ohhhh noooo! No crashing! Keep the wheels on the road. Amy
  5. Travelbugblues

    RAcktime Rack for Como 5

    Hi Dallant, I am pretty good! I've been so busy I can hardly get over here but am hoping to show up more now days. Some of my volunteer work ends in the end of June. Yippee! How's everyone doing? I'm glad the Topeak worked out for ya. You like it better than the Roll Rack you rack? I've had my...
  6. Travelbugblues

    RAcktime Rack for Como 5

    Did you end up with a rack Alicia? I'm still looking also. I am pretty short as well! I'm leaning towards a Topeak with longer bolts. Too bad Como doesn't sell a rack specific and easy! :)
  7. Travelbugblues

    Removing the Display computer from Specialized 4 Como

    Does anyone know how to do this? I was told I should remove it for the winter but it doesn't look so easy. Thanks!
  8. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Oh Wow, You guys are not making me want to get back on that horse again anytime soon! lolol I'm so sorry! I feel your pain. Although sounds like you took it worse than me. Your bike is totalled too? So glad you had your helmet on. I finally was able to take my bandage off my arm and let it be...
  9. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    I'd spring for the helmet. I mean the most important thing is I feel confident when I ride. I'm not too vain at this point. I mean if you could see me now you'd laugh that I said that. I look a mess! No way on the clothing! That is really expensive! I've been considering elbow pads. Maybe I'll...
  10. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Thanks, good advice. I imagine I will be ultra-careful now too. I thought I was before! I just need to stay on the path, even if I have to stop completely. The lesson was from the school of hard knocks! I pitched the helmet. I definitely will ride again! I don't give up that easily. Still, I...
  11. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Man, so not fun!!! I need to get a rack and some kind of storage thing. I have been unable to decide what to get for my Como. So many options. I need to carry a few things though, so I need to just pick something already.
  12. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Yeah, the Como has bigger tires. I Not a bad idea. Thanks for sharing that. I may be looking into some padding also. at least until I'm more confident again.
  13. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Yes, I should have been more perpendicular. The Como has bigger tires but still wasn't enough to handle the change. I have to say it has sort of scared me some. I know when my helmet comes I'll get back out again, but my mood is a little dampened about the whole thing.
  14. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    LOL thanks. I don't feel very young today!
  15. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    That's so right about the bike! lol. Oh man, you are lucky! Too many wheelies! Guess I'm lucky too for that matter. The doc said if I hadn't had my helmet on we would have been going through something entirely different. I had goggles on too which broke. It won't stop me from riding even at 56...
  16. Travelbugblues

    First accident

    Hey Everyone, Well, haven't had my Como long and experienced my first bad accident. Bike is okay. A guy on the path with dog on a leash was coming towards me. Dog was wild. Moved over to give some extra room. Got onto the grass a little and when coming back to the sidewalk my tire got caught...
  17. Travelbugblues

    Como 4 battery won't lock in

    Thanks, everyone. I'm not sure what magical thing I did to get it to actually lock in. I haven't taken it out since. I'm having a ball riding that's for sure!
  18. Travelbugblues

    Como 4 battery won't lock in

    I think it helped just to walk away with my frustrated self a minute! I went back and squeezed it with all my might and got it to lock in. Still this might be a problem that causes me some more frustration in the future. I'm afraid to take it out now.
  19. Travelbugblues

    Como 4 battery won't lock in

    Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I am having problems with my Como battery not locking in. It clicks but I can't lock it not matter what I try. My friend's goes right in, clicks and locks. Is there some trick I"m missing. Can't ride with it not locked in. Thanks! Amy
  20. Travelbugblues

    Sorry posted in the wrong place!
