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  1. C

    Helmets- full face?

    Thank you! Great suggestions!
  2. C

    Helmets- full face?

    I fell off a horse 6 years ago and shattered my shoulder. I was wearing a helmet and it saved my bacon. I never even had a headache after the fall. I realize some people don't think full face helmets are necessary, but I am always reminded of what could have occured but didn't. I was very...
  3. C

    Helmets- full face?

    This confirms my reason for wanting a full face helmet! Thank you.
  4. C

    Transporting a large Ebike

    I have no experience with this purchase but I have read that the 1up USA is a very good product for transporting all kinds of bikes.
  5. C

    Helmets- full face?

    Which type of helmet should I consider for a class 2 or class 3 e-bike? I have the standard bike helmet, but I need something better as I want it to to cover my face as well as my skull. What type of helmet (mountain bike, motorcycle, or...) do I look for? What is your favorite helmet and...
  6. C

    Overweight and a bad knee

    I purposely chose the first floor for my apartment because of my knee.
  7. C

    Overweight and a bad knee

    Is giant pro the model and yamaha pwx the battery? Is torque sensing the same thing as pedal assist?
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    Overweight and a bad knee

    Thank you-There's aren't too many of us who understand TPF's. I value your insight. I will go to the bike store in Alexandria and see what they have to sell.
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    Overweight and a bad knee

    Thank you. I live near Alexandria- so I can go there- if they are open. You gave great advice and I appreciate you taking the time to answer.
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    Overweight and a bad knee

    My ideal budget is around 3K. I prefer not to go to high over it, but I also don't want a bike that is so cheap that I will regret the purchase because it couldn't do x, y or z. However, I don't know what x, y or z is at this point. I currently live in a apartment complex 8 miles from my...
  11. C

    Overweight and a bad knee

    My dog slammed into me two years ago and fractured my tibial plateau. It is a break of the upper part of the tibia that involves the knee joint. I was a little overweight before the accident and I am even heavier now. In general, the knee hurts a lot of the time and I haven't been exercising...