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  1. albyrne

    Super Delight Charging Port Cover - for dummies Good luck...
  2. albyrne

    Super Delight Charging Port Cover - for dummies

    Hmmmmm, very interesting. It might be time to visit his website again….
  3. albyrne

    Super Delight Charging Port Cover - for dummies

    Sadly, a clever man who doesn’t ship outside Europe…..
  4. albyrne

    Hello from The Netherlands

    Just discovered this thread. Welcome @Kogel. I would absolutely love to know how exactly you've adjusted the stem to the fully vertical position. I am eager to attempt the same adjustment to my 2020 SuperDelite, to gain 20-30mm height! A.
  5. albyrne

    R&M Bosch power socket rubber cap - design flaw

    Well, my ever obliging dealer gave me (freebies) four spare charging port covers for my 2020 Superdelite - two of the original design (p/n SBK0164) and two of the slightly newer design (with magnetic catch, p/n SBK0227). This afternoon I installed the cover with the magnetic latch, with high...
  6. albyrne

    Replacement R&M Bosch power socket rubber cap?

    Hi Bosch-folks, there's a thread over on the Riese & Müller Forum concerning the very average quality of the R&M branded cap for the onboard charging port on R&M Superdelite. My bike is about eight months old, with approximately 1200km of gentle use, and my protective cap is already failing. To...
  7. albyrne

    R&M Bosch power socket rubber cap - design flaw

    Yes! I see the same issue. My Superdelite is a circa-August 2020 build, delivered new to me in early October 2020. The rigid plastic cap covering the on-board charging port has been a serious S.O.B. to successfully clip closed from the first recharge (which, I admit, was a few weeks after...
  8. albyrne

    Will a Thule EasyFold XT 2 fit a 2020/2021 Superdelite?

    Funny you should ask... I haven't carried my 2020 SD on our Thule XT2 rack for months. This morning an unexpected need presented itself..... FWIW: the bike is the 54cm frame, GX variant, and, as you can see, the standard length wheel straps are fine. The longer straps would be a little easier...
  9. albyrne

    How to take off rear wheel on Superdelite

    Thank you so much. This guide will be useful. First flat this morning!!!!
  10. albyrne

    SuperDelite suspensions pressure!

    @Machokie and @marcparnes , thanks for that info. My SD is on the boat right now, and I should have it in a month. Are you running Fox upgrade or standard suspension? A.
  11. albyrne

    2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    @steve mercier, thanks for these hilarious contributions to the thread.
  12. albyrne

    Retirement gift to self? Superdelite! Some questions…

    @John2911, yes, now that travel restrictions are easing here, I’ll be making a call to check what bikes/sizes they have as testers. You’ve ordered exactly the same configuration that I’m leaning towards. Can I ask what your inside leg measurement is? A.
  13. albyrne

    Retirement gift to self? Superdelite! Some questions…

    @Scott Eakin, @Alaskan, and @HariSeldon, many thanks for your input re: sizing. Pending a test ride, I'm inclined to think that the 51cm frame size (medium) would work OK for me.
  14. albyrne

    **Accidental duplicate post** please ignore...

    Moderators - apologies for the accidental double post. Please delete...
  15. albyrne

    **Accidental duplicate post** please ignore...

    **Accidental duplicate post** please ignore...
  16. albyrne

    Retirement gift to self? Superdelite! Some questions…

    Hi folks, I’m looking at making the transition from a commuter-style ebike (FWIW: Lekker e-Amsterdam) to something more suitable for ventures down some dirt. As a gentleman of a certain age, recently retired, I’m not intending to throw myself off any table top jumps or hurtle down the side of...
  17. albyrne

    Hi from Oz...

    Hi EBR, a new joiner here from beautiful Jervis Bay on the New South Wales south coast, Australia. I’m a fairly recent retiree, determined to stay active as I relax into the post-working lifestyle. As well as daily ocean swimming (working towards welcoming my sixth decade with an Alcatraz swim...
  18. albyrne

    Now Superdelite optional 625Wh powertube

    I think this has pushed me over the edge! Time to batter the bank account.... a.