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  1. V

    Como vs Vado- HELP!

    I've had my Vado 3.0 for about a year now and am very happy with my purchase. I'll be 71 in August and have arthritis all over my body and I wanted a way to exercise that would be easy on my body. I try to ride most every day for about an hour in the morning and in the evening. Living in...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    My bike has the newer TCD-W display. My dealer is aware of the problem that occurred soon after I purchased the bike last summer. Thanks Stefan Mikes for the information on a possible cause for the error display.
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Been awhile since I've been on the forum or posted anything. Got the new battery from Specialized and it's been working flawlessly. Yesterday after riding for a bit I ran into some friends and I stopped to talk with them. Since we chewed the fat for over ten minutes the battery automatically...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Great to hear you were able to do a deal. You'll love the bike. It is heavier than a non ebike, but you'd never know it because it is so well balanced and easy to ride. Btw, I lived in Omaha back in 1998-99 just off of Pacific & 168th st. in the Cambridge Oaks subdivision.
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    I was under the impression that the Turbo Connect Display was standard equipment on the Turbo Vado 3.0. I know that in years past the bikes came with a Bloks display, but it wasn't compatible with the Specialized app. Mine is connected, but I haven't used it much nor do I know much about it...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Just got back from a 35 minute leisurely ride around my neighborhood, but this past Monday did an extended ride of around 35 miles averaging about 14.4 mph. At the moment I've got a temporary battery from Specialized while I wait for them to replace the higher rated one that came with the...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Thought I had replied to you so I'm sorry for being so late in responding. Mine is also a class 3 I believe. Anyway it's supposed to get assist to 28 mph.
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Bike shop called today to say that Specialized says they're out of stock of the battery that came with my bike and wanted to know if they could send a lower WH (watt hour) battery. I told them that would be okay with the caveat that when the higher WH battery is available that they would...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    I've started using my battery more as I've been working up to longer rides. At first I was worried that I should have considered the Como because of arthritis all over my body and a lower back that has a mind of its own, but after getting used to riding a bike again I'm happy with my choice of...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Brought my bike into the bike shop this morning and they talked with Specialized about the problem. There are two different ports used to perform diagnostics; one on the display unit and the other accessed through the battery charging port. The diagnostics didn't find any damage, but indicated...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Still getting used to posting on the forum so I was going to reply separately to kcrider, but I see the post goes to the original thread. Anyway, thanks to both of you for your input.
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Went to the bike shop with my battery & charger and they confirmed that it wasn't charging. They tried to charge it with their charger and the battery still didn't charge. They were going to write up a work order, but I asked if it would be better if I rode the bike in so they could determine...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Thanks jim6b & kcrider for your quick replies. I've charge the battery once before without a problem and when it didn't charge this time I checked the connections and the pins. I'm going to go to the bike shop this morning to see if they can figure out what the problem is.
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3 Battery Charging Problem

    Just returned from a ride, took the battery off my bike, brought it inside to charge. This is only the second time I'm charging it, but from what I remember the light on the charger should be flashing while the lights on the battery show the level of charge. The lights on the battery have not...
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    newbe here

    I'll be turning 70 in 8 days and after a couple of years of putting it off finally purchased an e-bike this past May. Best decision I ever made! I've got arthritis all over my body and wanted to go something to get in better shape and perhaps lose a few pounds without punishing my joints. I...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    You're right, Marci jo, I should stop second guessing myself. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I'm not a young kid anymore and need to just take it one day at a time. Back around 12 years ago I was riding quite regularly and used to ride around 25-30 miles almost daily. It's just going...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Thanks, E-Wheels! Where in Australia do you hail from? I visited there many years ago when I was in my early 30's and working in the airline industry. Had a ball drinking beer and eating at the Working Men's Clubs. Guess that's why I now need to ride a bike more than ever. lol Cheers!
  18. V

    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    You're right, Marci jo, I should stop second guessing myself. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I'm not a young kid anymore and need to just take it one day at a time. Back around 12 years ago I was riding quite regularly and used to ride around 25-30 miles almost daily. It's just...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    It's another hot & humid day and I had't gone on a ride for a few days so decided to get off my duff and go for a spin. I'm still amazed at how agile, fast, & comfortable the bike is (wish I could say the same thing about myself, lol). As mentioned in a previous post, I like to ride without...
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    2020 Turbo Vado 3.0

    Hello again, everyone! I'm still getting used to navigating the forum so if I don't post a reply quickly or post something in the wrong area please be patient. Here in Venice, FL the temps have averaged in the low to mid 90's with a lot of humidity so I've been riding in the early morning or...