newbe here


New Member
I am almost 72 years old and have done a lot over the years( Was a crop duster for 30 years, rode motorcycles, and ran a lot of different farm machinery) but due to health reasons I am moving on at a slower pace! I have ordered my first Ebike( Electric Bike Company model S) so I can look at the world at a little slower pace! Looking forward to learning a lot from these pages! Thanks for letting me in!
Welcome from a fellow-almost-72er. Pacing ourselves is a good plan. Congratulations on surviving 30 years of crop-dusting: Best improved health, and enjoy your new bike!
I'll be turning 70 in 8 days and after a couple of years of putting it off finally purchased an e-bike this past May. Best decision I ever made! I've got arthritis all over my body and wanted to go something to get in better shape and perhaps lose a few pounds without punishing my joints. I started out slowly and have increased the length of my rides. I don't always use the electric assist, but sometimes when I'm heading up hills, into a stiff headwind, or just plain tired I'll use it. At first I had to get over the attitude that I wasn't getting any exercise if I used the assist, but then I realized that at this age there's no reason not to use it. My longest ride has been a bit over 14 miles with assist for about a mile of that ride. Hey I don't need to impress anyone and as long as it's fun and I enjoy riding I'm gonna keep on going. Even got my wife riding around the neighborhood, but she didn't want an e-bike. Best of luck to you!
I'll be turning 70 in 8 days and after a couple of years of putting it off finally purchased an e-bike this past May. Best decision I ever made! I've got arthritis all over my body and wanted to go something to get in better shape and perhaps lose a few pounds without punishing my joints. I started out slowly and have increased the length of my rides. I don't always use the electric assist, but sometimes when I'm heading up hills, into a stiff headwind, or just plain tired I'll use it. At first I had to get over the attitude that I wasn't getting any exercise if I used the assist, but then I realized that at this age there's no reason not to use it. My longest ride has been a bit over 14 miles with assist for about a mile of that ride. Hey I don't need to impress anyone and as long as it's fun and I enjoy riding I'm gonna keep on going. Even got my wife riding around the neighborhood, but she didn't want an e-bike. Best of luck to you!
Now thats what I'm talking about! At this age I could care less about what other people think! I've got authur also, along with astma and everything else that comes with (not old age) age! If God wanted me to come home now he wouldn't have let me waste my money on a ebike!😅😅