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  1. Adrian

    Fenders from Big O Mfg.

    They are worth it. When I changed my fatbike I ran without the Big O fenders for a few weeks until I reengineered the old mounting hardware to fit. I was covered in so much crap every day! Couldn't ride in bad weather without fenders, no fun at all.
  2. Adrian

    full cover fenders !

    Yeah, I can't say I disagree. I started looking again as I've just built a new Fat bike and moved my BBSHD on to it. My old Big O fenders are still better than anything else out there too. The front fender fitted with a minimum of fuss (just had to get a couple of cushion clamps for the front...
  3. Adrian

    full cover fenders !

    Fwiw, it looks as if Big O manufacturering is providing the hardware to mount their fenders again. Unlike their old, highly specific mounting hardware which must have been a pain to make, he now has a more general, one siz fits all bracket. Big O still says they do not ship out of the US though.
  4. Adrian

    Karmic Bikes in-stock, ready to go!

    Nice to actually see a review of the Max drive in the wild. It also links to the Nuremberg 24-hour race which the Max drive team trumped all the 12 Bosch teams and it's the first place I've seen real details of that race - beat the nearest Bosch team by 7 minutes! If I hadn't recently bought a...
  5. Adrian

    246 lbs. 5'9" 52-year-old

    The problem you have there is that even a light electric bike is going to weigh something more than a normal bike, and even carrying a normal bike up stairs is a PITA. If you want an electric bike that carries a heavy rider (240lbs/110kg) and 4 shopping bags worth of groceries any distance at...
  6. Adrian

    246 lbs. 5'9" 52-year-old

    Yes, but I's say the lack of a large battery is the downside of that.
  7. Adrian

    246 lbs. 5'9" 52-year-old

    I have 't seen anyone mention the Juiced cargo bikes yet. Has several battery options including a 32ah battery which is about as big as it gets on a bicycle and built for heavy lifting. Inexpensive too.
  8. Adrian

    BBSHD installed in my Radrover

    So, what's your opinion compared to the stock Radrover?
  9. Adrian

    FYI Lunacycle is having July 4th sale

    The BBS02 is pretty reliable now they've sorted the controller issues - many people run them for 1000's of trouble free miles.
  10. Adrian

    When is the "right time" to charge the battery in order to take well care of it ?

    Pretty amazing really. My first battery pack didn't fair so well being charged to 100% every day and with a very high amp draw all the time. From what I've seen elsewhere, the most damaging activity is probably high constant discharge rates followed by very high charge rates. So, charge slowly...
  11. Adrian

    When is the "right time" to charge the battery in order to take well care of it ?

    Generally, I charge to 80% most of the time (I have a Luna cycles charger) at 2amps (could do 1amp charges but I'm not that patient) and charge before I hit the 20% mark. Now and then I use my stock 2amp charger to charge to 100% as most, if not all, bms in battery packs will balance the cells...
  12. Adrian

    When is the "right time" to charge the battery in order to take well care of it ?

    For longest possible useable life; 1) don't discharge below 20%. 2) don't charge above 80%. 3) charge as slowly as possible - 1amp if you have the time and the possibility. 4) discharge as slowly as possible - the fewer full throttle runs up very steep hills the better. 5) never store the...
  13. Adrian

    Front page article in the Guardian on the impact ebikes are having on road design in Germany

    It's weird how things have changed. I lived in Geneva and the St Genis area across the border for 8 years in the 90s and for the life of me, I can hardly remember any bicycles. I guess 20 years make a big difference.
  14. Adrian

    Front page article in the Guardian on the impact ebikes are having on road design in Germany

    I used to think the busses there were awesome; always on time, cheap and lots of them. Same with the trains.
  15. Adrian

    Front page article in the Guardian on the impact ebikes are having on road design in Germany

    The Swiss public transport system is so good, there are far less incentives to bike anywhere. ;)
  16. Adrian

    new helmet

    Of course a helmet isn't necessary - until you fall off and hit your head, or a car pulls out in front of you (had at least 3 near misses like that this year alone).
  17. Adrian

    Newbie Question on Car Transport - How? Dedicated E-Bike Car Racks?

    I have a Thule hang on 927. 3 bike max 45kg total. Was fine for just mine but now my wife also has an ebike it would be pushing the limit to use it I think. A pity as it's quick and easy to mount and inexpensive.
  18. Adrian

    Newbie Question on Car Transport - How? Dedicated E-Bike Car Racks?

    Yes, be mindful of the additional weight. Your normal bike rack is fine as long as you adhere to their weight restrictions - remember, some unpowered downhill bikes are at least as heavy as your average ebike and people have no problem carting them around on car racks. I've not had an issue...
  19. Adrian

    Shunned by bike club?

    By "safety" perhaps he meant someone might do you harm if they saw you riding an ebike. Gawd knows I've seen enough silly comments on ebike articles threatening as much.
  20. Adrian

    Strange Confrontation at e-MTB Demo (Cops called)

    I think it's a good thing he called the police. Now he knows without a doubt what the law is and he will spread the word, probably with a grumble and some resentment but it'll spread further and with more authority than if the bikers had a chat and came to some affable conclusion themselves (or...