Search results

  1. N

    2016 Raleigh Misceo ie For $750

    No worries! If you are ever in the area and want to check it out, just let me know. There's a good chance you are right though, you would probably need the Large. I will say the Medium is a little big on me, but not much, and still really comfortable, so it would likely be small for you. Good...
  2. N

    2016 Raleigh Misceo ie For $750

    This is the "Medium" size. For reference, I'm 5'9", 175lbs and it fits very comfortably to me. It does well on hills! It has an "Eco" Mode, a "Normal" mode, and a "High" mode. In Normal or High, it will take you up hills pretty effortlessly, but because it is a Class 1, you still have to peddle...
  3. N

    2016 Raleigh Misceo ie For $750

    Hey guys! I am selling my 2016 Raleigh Misceo ie for $750. The bike was bought from the eBicycle Store in Greenville, SC. They had used it as a "demo bike" and would lend it out to people who needed the bike while theirs was getting worked on. When I bought it, they said it had been ridden less...
  4. N

    2016 Raleigh Misceo ie for $1,000

    Hey guys! I am selling my 2016 Raleigh Misceo ie for $1,000. The bike was bought from the eBicycle Store in Greenville, SC. They had used it as a "demo bike" and would lend it out to people who needed the bike while theirs was getting worked on. When I bought it, they said it had been ridden...
  5. N

    Anyone Else Eliminate non throttle bikes? low top end?

    Mike, can you suggest some good options for such a conversion? I have mid-drive Class 1, but would be interested in adding a throttle! Thanks!
  6. N

    Transparency in Advertising: How EBR Runs

    Thanks for making this, Court! This website was absolute integral in me choosing the right first e-bike to use! You put A LOT of time and effort into this and you deliver A TON of value to so many, you deserve to be compensated (well) for what you offer. Online ad revenue can be confusing for...
  7. N

    Is anybody using eco mode (lowest assist level) on your usual bike ride? What is your usual assist level?

    It truly depends on the situation...this is for my Raleigh Misceo that has Shimano STePS (Class 1): When I'm commuting in a bike lane on a flat road: Eco When I'm commuting in normal traffic with a speed limit of under 25 mph: Eco or Normal When I'm commuting in normal traffic with a speed...
  8. N

    Commuting Advice Needed

    Hey, guys! I really appreciate all the great advice and suggestions here! I think I have found a good intermediary plan while I get more comfortable riding on roads w/o bike lanes. There is an Ingles (grocery store) right at the end of the road with no bike lanes, so I asked the store manager if...
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    Age demography for members.

    Chris, I am 26 and commute to school everyday on an e-bike! My commute is a hilly 16 miles/day and I also don't want to be too sweaty when I get there. An e-bike was the perfect choice!
  10. N

    Age demography for members.

    I am 26 and just bought an e-bike to commute to college everyday on! Parking at my University is atrocious, however, they are having a big push toward electric cars and biking, so literally every building has a bike rack and most of the main roads have a bike lane! Therefore, I decided that my...
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    Commuting Advice Needed

    Hey guys! I just started commuting this week with a Class 1 Raleigh Misceo ie. I can hit 20mph very easily, but it's difficult above that. I attend Clemson University, which is pretty bike-friendly, but I commute from a small town about 6 miles away. Once I get to the main road, there's a bike...
  12. N

    Hello from Clemson, South Carolina!

    Hey guys! My name is Nick and I'm here because I needed an alternative way to commute to school. If any of you are at public universities, you can sympathize with the horrid student parking situation, and Clemson is no different. The good news: The campus has made a mission to become incredibly...
  13. N

    Full-sized Raleigh Misceo ie vs. Folding E-Joe Epik SE

    Hey, everyone! After two parking tickets and 3 weeks of frustratingly driving around my University's campus for a parking spot, I've decided it's time to start commuting to school with an e-bike. I have never ridden an e-bike until today, so I have very limited knowledge on the subject. My...