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  1. T

    Delite Rohloff GX

    Well written! I wanted a Delite with belt and waited until it was released. It was worth it! I also like the E-14 system a lot. It's brilliant!
  2. T

    Battery issue with new Kiox + Dual-battery eBikes

    Kiox shows that my dual batteries are always at about 97% when fully charged. Never 100%.
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    Rohloff E-14

    No. You get used to the buttons so fast. Shifting feels so natural after you've driven about 100-200miles...
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    I chose the biggest size, 56cm. I'm 187cm tall. Bike doesn't feel too big or small. It feels perfect. Only driven 500km, but I know this feeling won't change. I also tested a Delite Mountain last summer which if I remember was 49cm and didn't feel small at all. If you're 175cm you should try the...
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    Delite Rohloff GX

    Congratulations! You will love the bike! I have this model since the beginning of Jan but as a HS -version!
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    My bike is dark grey. I think all the colors are nice so I kind of like made a gallup among my family members and they chose for me. I think this color suits me. It's like an army or bomb squad bike. =)
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    Sure. Any specific parts that you want yo see? Haven't taken so much pics of my bike but I can do it tomorrow. If you have a cycling background I'm sure you can easily keep average speed of 35km/h summertime. I'm sure I will be close to it as the biggest think slowing me down now is the fact you...
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    One more thing. Forgot to say that at least for me the dual battery is a must. I weight about 105kg and drive in sbow with turbo mode. My range is about 65km so I can make my commute round trip without charging during work day. With single battery I wasn't able to do that. Sure that summer time...
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    Well. My commute is exactly 45km (round trip) on a good pavement. I drive it now in winter conditions and the bikes drives solid as a train no matter what the surface condition is. I'll of course benefit more from HS summertime but even now I've driven with top speed of 45km/h. Average speed...
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    Riese Muller Delite Rohloff GX HS

    I received my bike in the beginning of January. Exactly the same bike you're considering. Fox upgrade and with Kiox. Rohloff E-14 and belt drive. And yes, it's the HS version. I was thinking the same thing as you're now before I bought the bike. Now I'm really happy that I decided to get it...
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    Some questions for owners of R&M Supercharger (or Charger, Nevo, etc.).

    I had the same news today of my Delite GX Rohloff HS Germany-->Finland
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    Rohloff E-14

    I'm going to get a bike with Rohloff E14. Why? Because of the efficiency of the transmission. Nuvinci=Enviolo is much less efficient than Rohloff. You get many miles more with Rohloff than with Enviolo using same battery capacity. Based only on what I've read...