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    Ocean Current brake cutoff delay? Excessive Delay?

    Thanks for the info!
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    Ocean Current brake cutoff delay? Excessive Delay?

    Thanks for the info; I will check wheel fit. Beyond that, I guess I will have to live with it, as I don't have the confidence and/or tools to do it myself. I don't really trust any LBS to repair an e-bike that has not been purchased thru them.
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    Ocean Current brake cutoff delay? Excessive Delay?

    Yes, but how long is an "acceptable" delay before the motor starts functioning again? On my CCS, it's like a one-second delay after I let go of the brakes, and I get almost immediate motor assistance again. But with the Ocean Current bike, a 3-4 second delay after starting to pedal again...
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    Ocean Current brake cutoff delay? Excessive Delay?

    Hi ; purchased a OC during the BF sale. Enjoying it almost as much here in Fl as my CCS in Upstate NY. But after applying brakes, the motor sometimes cuts out 3-4 seconds; other times less. Is this normal? Or excessive delay before the motor kicks back in?
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    CCX intermittent power

    I have had zero loose battery issues with my CCS, but I am going to buy the 24" velcro straps and apply before there's a problem. And try to remove the battery as little as possible, incase that also contributes to the problem. Thanks for the tips.
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    I also get a "rattle", even when I take one hand off the handlebar when riding on smooth pavement; but It's coming from the front end / related to the fender? Everything seems "tightened" when i check at a stop-yet the rattle persists over small bumps and one-handed.......
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    So I should unplug and re-attach every cable between power and motor? Is there a diagram showing which ones are between battery and motor? Or just trace the cords? If this doesn't work, would you send a service ticket to Juiced? It's not a constant problem, but did occur twice. Thanks
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Hi; I've had CCS for 3 months and enjoying it immensely, but have had one problem. On 2 occasions, it lost battery power; However, not completely i.e. the computer was still on. But no pedal assist. I tried turning off power on battery/ and screen; then back "on", but it made no difference...
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    CCS : Any suggestion for water bottle holder?

    I tried the smallest holder I could find on the boss' nearest the battery (19.2); there's just not enough room due to large size of battery. And I'll need to find a very small water bottle. There must be a trick....?
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    How to Best Charge Battery for Longest Life

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but there's a lot of posts here: What is most accurate volts reading after a ride? The immediate reading when done with a ride , or waiting an hour or so? For example, if I finish a ride and the display shows 51.0v , about an hour later it shows 51.2 and...
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    Next Ocean Current Upgrade?

    In some buyer locations ,at current quoted price, buying via Amazon gives you free OC assembly at a local bike shop. While the initial set-up assembly appears quite easy for the OC, apparently there have been significant issues (gear adjustments/ brake and rotor issues) that would make the...
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    Next Ocean Current Upgrade?

    I recently purchased a CCS and it's great-for me. My significant other is close to buying the Ocean Current, as she wants the comfort. But for $1599, (although a good price compared to other "name" brand e-cruisers), it still has the older display, and the older 12.8 battery. We called juiced ...
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    How to Best Charge Battery for Longest Life

    Here's another question: I will be storing my 19.2 battery for 5 months, every year for the foreseeable future. I read about 50% charge being optimal for storage. I don't have a Satiator. Originally, I figured to bring the battery with me to winter in Florida. But I am not bringing the bike...
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    How to Best Charge Battery for Longest Life

    Suggest you check page2 of this thread; Thomas does not have much faith in Luna, per several of his replies...
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    How to Best Charge Battery for Longest Life

    Well, that's a good point about the gradual change. I guess I'll only charge to 100% when I really need the longest range. Actually most of my trips will probably be 12-20 miles, but with occasional long distance excursions. Thanks for the input.
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    How to Best Charge Battery for Longest Life

    I just received my new CCS with the 19.2 battery. I read this whole thread, and was at 1st convinced to do the "80/20" charge theory to prolong battery life. But then I did some math, and have decided to full charge "100/20"; I only plan on using my bike 7 months of the year when I am in...
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    CCS SR Suntour Suspension Forks

    I just received my CCS this week. There's no information at all on how/why to adjust the suspension fork. Zero. Perhaps it's in the online owner's manual, but I didn't see it. But nothing in the box paperwork, or that I saw in the tutorial on-line video's. While the info/photos above are...
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    Known Issues & Problems with Juiced Bikes Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    That's good to know; I also have a bike on order with this new pack. Thanks for heads up.