Search results

  1. G

    Miranda crank arm bolt o-ring?

    Does anyone know if the little o-ring on the crank arm bolt DOES anything other than keeping the washer in place? I pulled mine the other day to service / clean the crank and, upon reassembly, notice that one crank arm bolt has one and one does not. Does it keep out water or anything? Searching...
  2. G

    Where to get parts?

    Yes, EXACT same outcome. JayVee had the perfect advice as I also had my sticker adhere to the backing. DID get them applied (erps...BIT off on the color but, ah well..white vs light grey) but not bad at all and no new adhesive needed. MUCH better than the black battery that was warranty...
  3. G

    Where to get parts?

    Hun Huh. Interesting. Well, a friend is bringing two back to the US from Germany next week. I am now curious to see the state of the decals that I had shipped to him there. I'll be sure to post back.
  4. G

    Where to get parts?

    I have a friend who is going to Germany at the end of this month and has kindly agreed to carry two sets back for me. Ordered from: where you could choose "envelope." Total = 22,50 euros. I'll post back when they arrive. 2015 model Haibike so fingers crossed that...
  5. G

    Where to get parts?

    Thanks for the post. Great description and the photos. Much appreciated. Good to know that the decals would survive all but a nuclear blast when shipped. Still, for that shipping price, I would expect a free toaster! :)
  6. G

    Where to get parts?

    Someone WITH the stickers would have a relatively easy job of it. Provided you have weather-proof sticky paper...and aren't sued for copyright infringement or such. Eh, yup. Sounds much more expensive! I am also curious to see what Amazon uses to send 38 Euro decal. Fingers crossed it is gold...
  7. G

    Where to get parts?

    Man, have that EXACT same problem! 2015 Haibike Trekking RX XDuro that had a battery go bad under warranty (one of my other posts here). Replaced it but sans decal!! Now I am riding around on a "Haib" on one side and an "ike" on the other! Found exactly what I needed on Ridewill (6.50 euro...
  8. G

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Ok, NE Electric Bike tested and, yep, battery tested bad! Warranty exchange. I paid for shipping there and back. Couldn't be helped. Little dab of dielectric grease on the contacts and am happy to announce that all is well. Seems I was one of the "lucky" ones to get one of the few bad batteries...
  9. G

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Again, many thanks. Just ordered up a tube! NE Electric Bike demonstrated immediate competence and followed exactly what was suggested here - either battery or display. Without any prompting from me, they asked me to ship BOTH back immediately for testing. They haven't received the package yet...
  10. G

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    A continuation on the above. Took that charged battery downstairs, popped it on the bike...nothing again. Eco to off. Still showing four bars on the battery (never did get it to charge to five), tried taking it off and putting it back several times but nothing. Bike display showing three bars...
  11. G

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Thanks to you both for the replies. As per the above? Yes, I mean the battery terminals. The male connectors on the bike frame itself. Neither they nor the bike as a whole have ever gotten wet more than a mist once a long time ago and I wiped it dry. Immediately upon arriving home. Chris -...
  12. G

    Known Issues & Problems with Haibike Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    I have one that leaves me rather befuddled. New 2015 Xduro Treking Haibike. Bought less than a year ago directly from New England online (thus, no local dealer to help!). I have loved it and babied the thing since I've had it. No driving through puddles, stored in my locked garage and battery...