Search results

  1. mams99

    Tern GSD vs. Pedego Stretch?

    I have to go up two hills to do my major grocery store run - one is a longish hill that just climbs a little more than I can handle without using the assist at about a 2-3. With a heavy load, I have it up a notch to 3-4 and then I have one steep hill just on the backside of our local Whole...
  2. mams99

    Tern GSD vs. Pedego Stretch?

    The throttle is INVALUABLE with a full-load and I have not needed a second motor - even with two adult passengers or $250 worth of groceries.
  3. mams99

    Teen with high functioning autism and an ebike

    That will probably be a solution eventually, but not while he's growing and not now as finances got tight a year ago - RIGHT after I bought the folding bike. (I had a stroke caused by a fluke situation with my body and that eventually resulted in me needing to leave my job because my boss was...
  4. mams99

    Tern GSD vs. Pedego Stretch?

    I have a stretch and I live in the DC area. I thought about getting a Tern, but they didn't have (at the time) what I needed, so I got the Stretch and I LOVE it. I don't have two riders, just one - but I do have my teen sitting on the back with me much of the time. I didn't do all the pricing...
  5. mams99

    Teen with high functioning autism and an ebike

    I got an ebike for myself about 2 years ago to use for grocery shopping, tooling around town and to have a second passenger - mostly my son who has high functioning autism. This site and forum were very helpful when I was deciding on a bike and I ended up with the Pedego Stretch and I LOVE that...
  6. mams99

    Bikes and pricing expectations - the initial shock

    This is a very interesting observation. Yes, bikes are often seen as toys. And practical people don’t tend to spend a lot of money on toys. But when it crosses over to tool, rules change. Perhaps I have always thought as bikes as tools first because at nine I had a paper route and used my bike...
  7. mams99

    Bikes and pricing expectations - the initial shock

    For my kids, we have Always bought used bikes where we can. My younger son is almost 13 and is just at 6 feet tall. He will probably get between 6’3-6’4” so he has gone through almost everything that is size dependent pretty quickly. I could never keep up financially if I were buying new for...
  8. mams99

    Bikes and pricing expectations - the initial shock

    Will add since I'm a full time employee with another small, small part-time job and I co-homeschool my 12 year old with my husband, finding time to exercise is a challenge, but if I can combine it with a grocery store run, or grabbing pizza for dinner, I get to exercise, be outside, and get some...
  9. mams99

    Bikes and pricing expectations - the initial shock

    This is it exactly. The bike is for fitness, but fitness I can manage. I live in a valley next to a lake in the city. To get out of my neighborhood means an all uphill ride. I will never, ever forget my huge disappointment about 5 years ago when I was very fit - doing hard exercise 5 days a...
  10. mams99

    Bikes and pricing expectations - the initial shock

    I was just thinking on big purchases. Just recently, I bought a new lap top. It was a PAINFUL process. Yet, I use it every day for about 7-10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I was balking at spending a grand on something I use all the time as I had been using a chromebook I thought was good enough...
  11. mams99

    Urban folding ebike

    Maybe I wasn't clear. I can't commute. I have a bike for at home for the in town commuting for the 3 days a week I'm at home. Then at work, for grabbing lunch, taking a break, I would like a SECOND bike = this one the folding bike. I actually ordered this morning the BH Easy Motion EasyGo Volt...
  12. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Lol maybe. Though that on a folding bike probably isn’t practical as I will need to fold it up every day at work.
  13. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Just wanted to give a big thanks. I have ordered this. First, the price is right for sure. Second, it has what I need without all the bells and whistles I don't need. The battery configuration and ease of removing was a big deciding factor as it lightens the bike for transporting/lifting and I...
  14. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    ANswering my own question - $200-$300.
  15. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Thanks! Yes, I have my eyes on the Volt Urban. This one here is a new one to me.
  16. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Oh, THIS is the type of thing I'd love to find. Before I contact them - any idea on shipping rates?
  17. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    This is true. A decent used bike in DC area is usual at least $200. But it doesn't really fit my needs.
  18. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    But if it is an original battery, never charged, that is useless too. Seems it runs on the one? Seller said the one never worked. But yes, I would sink mininally 500 for the bike and $600 (confirmed price from Giant) for a battery - $1100 for an 8 year old bike is too much when I can buy a new...
  19. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Thanks for your comments. This is helpful. And also probably a sad reality.
  20. mams99

    Bike's value over time

    Huh... just found a site that said the manufacturer said $600 a pop for batteries - in 2013.