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  1. Urbancowboy

    Charging Baterie to maximum all the time.

    Regarding Bateries I am no "Expert" therefore I listen to what People claiming to have Knowledge, have to say. However that does not mean I do not question the "Experts" answers if something seems off. And only the Almighty knows how many real "Experts" there are in the Internet. If things...
  2. Urbancowboy

    Lithium-Ion Batteries and others

    Last week a Fire Chief in a nearby Community had a new Lithium polymer Battery which was removed from the unit after it run out of charge exploding. The Chief reported it was removed from his Air Soft Gun then just set on the Floor of his Garage then 15 minutes later it self detonated and...
  3. Urbancowboy

    Basket for your Bike repurposing Freezer Baskets.

    Luckily my eBike came with a Factory installed rear Carrier Rack. Also on the front of my Bike over the Fender there are 4 welded on Studs. Because I love working with Metals and have a tiny Shop with all the necessary Tools, it did not take me long making a nice Aluminum Bracket for the Front...
  4. Urbancowboy

    Charging the eBike Battery, Charger getting Hot

    During charging my Battery the Charger warms up quite a bit. The Battery hat only about 10% remaining when I put her on the Charger. How warm is too hot ? Right now I could still hold the Charger in my Hand. When the Battery is fully charged the Charger will cool down by itself while still...
  5. Urbancowboy

    Rating you preferred eBike repair Facility.

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but for some reason I thought Bike and eBike users are more Environmentally friendly People. What I mean with that is if a part on you Bike fails, I would expect an Environmentally responsible Person expect to try to have it repaired instead of just exchanged. Of course...
  6. Urbancowboy

    Washing the eBike with Hub Motor with Water. Be either very careful or don't do it.

    Yesterday I changed out the defective Motor Core for the new one which I received a few days ago. Now I have a complete spare Rear Wheel with Tire ready to change it with the one in my Bike if that one develops a problem. This was not difficult at all after watching again the very good Fucare...
  7. Urbancowboy

    eBike Hub Drive developed without warning a bad sound.

    Today I went out wanting to go (like the last 5 Days) on my regular circuit, about 25km hardpacked Gravel Road followed by another 27 KM pavement to get home. Well I went only about 9 km. stopped and when I started again this never heard before irritating Noise (like teeth missing a Sprocket)...
  8. Urbancowboy

    Whom pays for your charge ?

    Many eBikers are Homeowners and as such just plug in at home and forget about the cost. However, many others, perhaps the majority of eBikes Owners reside in Rental Accomodation. If the pay for there own Electricity Bill fine but what about the ones where Electricity is included in their...
  9. Urbancowboy

    cleaning my eBike

    Last few days I been riding my eBike some 300+ Km. mostly on very dry Gravel Roads. My Bike is now very dusty and I want to give it a decent cleaning. I own my own Yard and plan to do this with regular Hand or Dish Soap and plenty of plain warm or cold Water. For environmental reasons I really...
  10. Urbancowboy

    Problems with Fucare Gemini

    I purchased my Fucare Gemeni about 3 Month ago trough Amazon. So far I put about 1300 Km on it and can say I love this eBike. However about 10 Days ago an electronic problem showed up. I Contacted the Seller and also Amazon. Amazon says I have to deal directly with the Seller which I did but...
  11. Urbancowboy

    Good morning

    Hi everybody. I am a total newbie to eBikes, got mine about 3 weeks ago and find it to be a fantastic tool to get back in shape and loose a few pounds. Been doing about 20 Km a Day, already had a Flat Tire (Rearwheel 4X20) which was actually very easy to fix myself. I am here to Learn and share...