Search results

  1. Mike TowpathTraveler

    need help to untangle bike chain

    There goes another happy customer of TowpathTraveling Bike Repair, LLC, who took advantage of our mid-summer bike tuneup deal! 🥴 On a serious note, this has the potential to unseat SolarCabin's "Bike Elitist" post for Troll Of The Week. If not a troll and you are in need of help, put your...
  2. Mike TowpathTraveler

    My battery died of heatstroke 😥😭

    This is likely your one and only shot to deal with this battery situation as nobody in the US wants anything to do with BH after getting stiffed by them. Lenny's bought that discontinued stock of leftovers but as far as future repair parts, that's going to be left up to what Lenny's decides to...
  3. Mike TowpathTraveler

    I think phone cases are getting crazy expensive

    Best Buy--About 2 months ago I went into the local Best Buy that I was last in about, oh, over a decade-plus ago......back when a time when I would browse their CD section to check out the latest box set, being that Tower Records went under and out. Completely different vibe and appearance upon...
  4. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Signs just put up on my home town bike path.

    Who? These guys. Which is what they are doing here.... Right now, the leadership in NYC, the governor's mansion and that Albany state legislature is in total meltdown and dysfunction. Incompetence. Too much to describe why for this thread without it getting all political. You can look into it...
  5. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Buyer Beware - 2 month old bike, leaking brakes and Biktrix says "wear and tear"

    I just read the Biktrix warranty/terms of service and cut & pasted this for everyone's edumacation: No warranty except for out of the box defects/ damages within the first 14 Days of delivery on: Braking System including but not limited to rotors, brake pads, brake fluid, braking power, etc...
  6. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Chain, cassette, sprocket replace for 2019 FullSeven

    Great job, staying at it, @DanInStPete! Nice looking Haibike, too.
  7. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Chain, cassette, sprocket replace for 2019 FullSeven

    @DanInStPete Tonight, 9 Aug, just to help, I was noodling around on the internet trying to find that sprocket. Not much luck, though. Even old reliable, RideWill in Italy didn't list that unicorn part. But I did see what appears to be you on the EMTB forums, posting up for help. Good site, that...
  8. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Shanghai Aijiu Energy Technology 3rd battery on the way

    That's great to know, Tom. This site is so filled of Non-Responsive, After-The-Sale-Is-Made, Sellers of Ebikes and Ebike gear, that it is a rare, but very nice to read time when one of the sole, proactive sellers, comes through again for their customer. From what I've read here, @Jenny Mao...
  9. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    In 1977, fresh out of USCG boot camp, I reported to my CG cutter based in Atlantic Beach, NC, which was south of Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout, NC. The Coast Guard, for the most part; likes to send people native from the area to the nearby operational stations and cutters in that area. Think...
  10. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Rad law suit

    No problem. Though I must say, the parent's have enough suffering and guilt that will be with them til the day they die. No need to compound their anguish. Regards to the front fork, I come away surprised that in this day and age, that anyone would manufacture a fork with vertical dropouts...
  11. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Rad law suit

    Post #16 acknowledges the parent's professions.
  12. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Suggestions for off-road headlight?

    Ant, Loctite, the blue type will lock those bolt threads in place. Do not get the red loctite.....that requires torch heat to break the bond.
  13. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Suggestions for off-road headlight?

    It's a German designed and made Schmidt Edelux II. It uses the Busch & Muller lens reflectors and other features that make it comply with strict German bicycle lighting laws. Has the top beam cut-off just as in modern day automotive light beams. It was just aimed in a particular angle that...
  14. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Suggestions for off-road headlight?

    Pretty sure my dyno-powered Edelux II, with it's 100 lux (whatever that equals to in lumens) is not as powerful as some of these mentioned lights. But an interesting point: in recent months, I've had two, older folks complain about my headlight as I passed them on my local bike/walking trail...
  15. Mike TowpathTraveler

    My battery died of heatstroke 😥😭

    My condolences! As @tomjasz suggested, Hi-C shows they can possibly, possibly rebuild your BH battery. Here's the link, in case some other BH owner needs their battery repaired: Right now, looking at the HiC site, not really...
  16. Mike TowpathTraveler

    BH bike truck load at Lenny's. Anyone else catch this on their Instagram?

    Paul, regards to Haibike, you pretty much have it. The parent German Haibike division was bought by a US consortium: Haibike USA is their own entity, independent of Haibike. They were without...
  17. Mike TowpathTraveler

    25,000 km On E-Bikes In Less Than Three Years

    Congrats, Stefan! Many more happy miles with smiles, sorry......"kilometers", to come!
  18. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Newb, debating ebike options for hills, trails

    Welcome! That picture reminds me that the weapon needed is either a high quality, mid-drive dual suspension fatbike or a 29 inch, near 3 inch wide tired dual suspension e-mtb. But even with that, you will still be getting of it and walking through some tricky areas. Tire pressures will also...
  19. Mike TowpathTraveler

    BH bike truck load at Lenny's. Anyone else catch this on their Instagram?

    Thanks, Paul! :) I had a chance to look at an EBR member's CL purchased, BH full suspension Rebel, powered by the Yamaha PW-X drive. I came away thinking the BH was every bit a quality built and specced ebike as the Haibike was. So I totally get the enthusiasm BH owners have for their ebikes...
  20. Mike TowpathTraveler

    Hit 2000 miles today.

    Park Tools on youtube has a video about properly sizing up your chain. I don't have the link to post here, but they are pretty much my go-to/git er dun video source for home repairing my ebike.