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  1. Drewtaylor

    ebikemotion X35

    JMS> Thank you that is very helpful. I have recently purchased an Orbea Gain F40 It has the X35 motor. I also have a Specialised Vado. The ride characteristics of the X35 motor do baffle me a little. The problem I have is going up hills. That is the time when i need maximum support. However...
  2. Drewtaylor

    Hello Turbo Vado friends everywhere / 2019 Range / Missing App!!

    I went out today and did a long ride of 70 miles. A significant part of that was without power as there was a strong tail wind so i was going 15.5 mph. The final leg was in re-tuned Sport mode as a strong headwind and hills. But i haven't really done a ride that i can compare it with yet. On the...
  3. Drewtaylor

    Vado 5.0

    Well still going strong. I clean my speed sensor now every time I stop the bike more or less and have had no power cut out on hills et cetera.
  4. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    I went out today to trial Smart Control which is meant to get rid of range anxiety. You can either set a distance to ride or a time for your ride. The app then computes the motor power your battery can afford to give for you to achieve that range or timed ride. My battery was 100% and I set the...
  5. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    I will take some photos. The display is growing on me. It’s great to have options for different parameters to be displayed on the five customisable screens including current rider power input. Calorie burn is rather difficult to interpret. I suppose it is based on power output. It seems to give...
  6. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    I really did have fun. The formatting of the data seems to be a bit lost but main response is 18% (nine mile) increase in range from dialling down eco from 35% to 25%. I think that is the only change I will make and even then only for longer runs. I need to give Smart Control a proper trial...
  7. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    I went out today and did the same ride. The weather conditions were almost identical. I set the power setting back to factory settings of Eco: 35, Sport : 75 and Turbo :100. The following shows the changes Parameter 25.3.2019 26.3.2019 Change%...
  8. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    Well the good news is that the Mission Control App really does work. Factory settings for Eco Sport and Turbo are 35%, 75% and 100% assist. Reducing the power settings gives a completely different feel to the ride and a better work out. I'm not sure exactly how things work but I think the bike...
  9. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    I went out today and did a long ride of 70 miles. A significant part of that was without power as there was a strong tail wind so i was going 15.5 mph. The final leg was in re-tuned Sport mode as a strong headwind and hills. But i haven't really done a ride that i can compare it with yet. On the...
  10. Drewtaylor

    Hello Turbo Vado friends everywhere / 2019 Range / Missing App!!

    I too have had my Vado 3 upgrade to TCD-W. Really good upgrade done free to me but at a cost to Specialised. My bike is registered with Specialised so it should have been easy for them to contact all owners and inform them of the offer. Never mind. The actual display is clear and there are 5...
  11. Drewtaylor

    Mission Control App - Turbo Vado Solution Now Available

    Hi. I too have had my Vado 3 upgrade to TCD-W. Really good upgrade done free to me but at a cost to Specialised. My bike is registered with Specialised so it should have been easy for them to contact all owners and inform them of the offer. Never mind. The actual display is clear and there are...
  12. Drewtaylor

    First flat tire on my Vado 4.0

    I agree about the Trigger tyres. They seemed okay in the summer but as soon as Winter came I started picking up thorns and tiny fragments of glass I started getting loads of punctures. I had three thorn punctures in my rear inner tube at once one day. Both my spare inner tubes were damaged...
  13. Drewtaylor

    Vado 5.0

    I was having the same issue re surges of power and reverting to eco mode when needed sport or turbo. Was about to take the bike to my LBS. He mentioned on the phone that it could be a loose magnet on the speed sensor. I had a look at this and found a speed sensor to be well attached but also...