Search results

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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    If it really just is the 7S with a belt & enviolo hub then they are surcharging quite a bit over here. It's $7,100. Even without our 25% VAT it would be ~$5,700. By comparison, a Charger3 vario HS is $400 more than a Charger3 touring HS. edit: I guess the prices are simply out of the loop over...
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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    Here's a link to the listing: edit: I can't find it on the US/UK listings, but I can find it on the German one. I guess it's only available in Europe indeed. edit2: I can find some UK retailers...
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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    Honestly I would've bought the Supercharger2 if my LBS sold them. But they don't. I'd prefer to continue to support them after what they've been through with the other bikes. They don't get compensated for all the repairs - so they are out of pocket big time lol. I hope the Trek will fare well...
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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    Both were terrible to be fair. Ugly experience all in all. Terrible service from Specialized. Wont touch another one of their bikes for the life of me.
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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    Denmark Yeah, the only thing that has annoyed me is that it felt like I've had to nag them for them to poke Specialized. Not sure if that's the case or if Specialized in Europe is just a shitshow.
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    Trek Alliant +7S *8S vs Specialized Vado 4 or 5

    Brose has been extremely unreliable in my experience, see I've had two Vado 6.0's and I'm now waiting on an Allant+ 9S as a replacement for another 2 weeks or so. I hope it'll be a better experience...
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    Turbo Vado 6.0 owners experience (2 bikes)

    Purchased the bike to commute 2x 20 km a day to work. Purchased the 2019(?) Turbo Vado 6.0 back in October 2018 because I bought a house which extended my work commute by quite a lot. The following repairs has been done on it during ~10,000 KM: 1) Display issue not connecting with the motor...
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    Another Vado ownership experience that ended well

    It is and yes, you can. This has been allowed since July 2018 as a trial.
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    Another Vado ownership experience that ended well

    I got a warranty replacement Vado 6.0 (2020 model) because the frame cracked on my 2018 model. Cracked frame wasn't my only issue with that bike, it was just the last fatal blow to a terrible buying decision. I hit 1151 km on the warranty replacement yesterday on my daily commute back home and...
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    Spring 2020 Ebike Reliability Survey Results

    I would like to take it. I've had countless issues with my "old" 2018/2019 Turbo Vado 6.0. But I can't. > Survey Closed > This survey is now closed. Please check with the person or website that sent you here for more information.