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  1. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    Hello everyone little updates, I contacted Rad Power and after few emails with Carlos from the customer service my Rad is working perfectly , the PAS sensor was defect. Carlos gave me a "to do list" to be sure of the problem . later on I had to send pictures with the error code right after I...
  2. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    Yes absolutely I saw it too , the Rad upgrades video but he says he has a defect PAS sensor mine was just fine with the stock controller but Everything is possible and I could have damage it ( the red light is on although) so I ll try to switch back the stock controller and I ll be sure about...
  3. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    Sorry for the late reply but with the work and the different time zones in UE I’m running a bit ... to give you some updates I went on Bolton site on the controller page with the " rights " settings and the bike PAS doesn't work still I really cant figure out what the matter with me , here's...
  4. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    No no the PAS still doesn’t work but now the speed increase proportionally to the level assist
  5. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    Merci @AHicks now with the C3 sets as C3=1 I’ve got 5 different speeds levels and much more control it’s already a big improvement
  6. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    I tried what you advised me so I cranked backwards and nothing happened, so I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad sign lol
  7. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    No it doesn’t , and I may look stupid but yes I tried but it ain’t possible with the freewheel but I’ve tried to turn the wheel with hand backwards but nothing ...
  8. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    So I did reset with the Y and those are the factory settings and many thanks for your time and answer
  9. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    The settings are on his site so I may have made a mistake so I ll go to check . The PAS has the little red light
  10. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    here is the updates but Unfortunately it doesn’t work with the C1 settings set at C1= 1 neither C1=5 I tried both , the bike is just 3 months old and the controller is brand new
  11. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    Thanks a lot for the answer I ll try right now I hope it ll work and I ll get back to you
  12. seb

    Was bored and an little crazy idea came up

    Terrible weather today but wanted to do some on my new Radrhino 5 so I tried out something for the first time and it was a Carbon wrapping so feel free to let me know what you think guys , it costed around 6€ on Amazon... here is the pic before and after
  13. seb

    rad rover pedal assist stopped working. any tips?

    rainy Sunday so I took the chance to do my upgrades to the 35A controller and the new kc lcd 8 on my radrhino 5 , Ive bought the true 750w motor too and it works like a champ I can play around 😜 the performances are a blast , the only down side I lost my PAS and The bike works Only on throttle...
  14. seb

    750W from Ali

    Thanks A lot for your answer i ll keep that in my mind for the next time :D
  15. seb

    750W from Ali

    Yes it’s better so I’ve got a "strong " one
  16. seb

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Yes Steve like you said unfortunately we’ve had no 24hrs race this year because of the COVID 19 it has been postponed to September if the situation allows it and it’ll be without spectators ...
  17. seb

    750W from Ali

    Thanks a lot for your answer , you’re right it was the video from CitizenCycle and I like that guy and he has inspired me and many others ... I found the problem it was just little part missing on the hub axis sorry I’m not a pro and I don’t know what it calls so I think a picture is best
  18. seb

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Had a wonderful ride back home and just wanted to share this pic I took on the way with you ...
  19. seb

    750W from Ali

    Hello hello little updates here on my new motor lol it’s an easy swap on you tube but it wasn’t easy for me , I could not unscrewed the bolts from the hub because of freewheel so I had to cut/grim the biggest ring , then the last bolts didn’t want to go away lol I had to drilled it and used an...
  20. seb

    Rad Rover battery issue

    Hello , you can get a blank key at Bolton Ebike I saw it in one of his video they are all the same ... it happens all the time people often lose their key and they need replacement